Review Students

Review Students

For users with the appropriate OEDS access, there will be a Review Students option from the CNDC drop down menu of the navigation bar.  


Districts will have the ability to use the various Find options.   By default, Free and Reduced Meals is selected in the Benefit Level search entry displaying only records that have matched benefits that qualify for a free or reduced benefit.  You can clear this selection to display all records, including those without a matching benefit.  The user can select combinations of options.  When doing so, if the Clear is not used, when the user returns to the same screen, their last used selection options will be populated as the default.  The Clear option may be used to clear all of the selection options, with the exception of the Benefit Level.  Benefit Level will be set back to the default value of Free and Reduced Meals when the Clear option is used. 

Grade will allow the students to be filtered based on a grade range, or a single grade, by entering values in both the From and To fields.  If a value is only selected for one of the From/To drop downs, it will be treated as a single grade selection.  The values for the grade selection are PS (Preschool) through 12+. 

By default, the Benefit Level selection is set to Free and Reduced meals.  The user may update this selection at their discretion.  The following options are available:

  • Free and Reduced Meals - students that have qualified/matched for a Free or Reduced meal benefit.  If the Clear function is used, the Benefit Level filter will be reset to this option.

  • Free Meal - students that have qualified/matched for a Free meal benefit.

  • Reduced Meal - students that have qualified/matched for a Reduced meal benefit

  • No Benefit - students that have a potential match or no potential matches and/or eligibility qualifications


Qualified By

  • Data Match - there was a match between ODJFS/Medicaid benefit data and the district supplied student data qualifying the student for the benefit.

  • User Match - a user manually matched a potential benefit.

  • Potential Match - there was not enough data that matched between the ODJFS/Medicaid benefit data and the district supplied data to automatically qualify the student for the benefit.   However, there were enough data points matching where it is potentially the correct student for the benefit.   The district may review the details for the student to determine if the benefit should be allowed and manually matched.  See details on that process under the Student Detail section below.

  • Foster Eligible - For those students reported through EMIS SCR, any that have been reported with a qualifying foster placement value will qualify as eligible

  • Homeless Eligible - Those students that have been reported as homeless will qualify as eligible

  • Migrant Eligible - Those students that have been reported with a migrant status will qualify as eligible

  • Household Eligible - If a student in a household is identified as eligible for any benefits, other children at the same address with the same parent or guardian are also eligible for benefits.   Any students found with this situation are marked as household eligible and included with a green check if they are not eligible by way of a direct match on ODJFS/Medicaid data.  Students involved in a foster placement are not included in the Household eligibility determination.

  • Prior District Eligible - If a student enrolls in a new district within the same school year and was eligible for free or reduced meal benefits in their prior district, the student is marked as Prior District Eligible at the new district. More details on the Prior District Eligible may be found below.


Using the Attending Building the data may be filtered to those students attending a specific building.  The building options available will appear in the drop down with the building name and it's IRN.

Data Matched Since will filter the students that have had a benefit match since the date entered.

Potential Data Match Since will filter students that have had a potential benefit created since the date entered.  Potential benefits are those that the system was unable to make a full match to the student based on the data provided by ODJFS/Medicaid and the district.

Enrollment Eligible Since will filter those students that have qualified for the benefit based on Foster Placement, Homeless status, Migrant status, Household eligible and Prior District eligible since the date entered.

Using the First Enrolled in District the students may be filtered based on their enrollment/admission date.  If the To date is left blank, it will default to 6/30 of the selected school year.  


Export Options

There are two export options available.  The Vendor Export option is to be used for extracting data that will be supplied to a Vendor or Point of Sale (POS) system.  The Vendor Export is customizable as to what data elements are included, the order of the data and the column headings. The Vendor Export will include the data as configured, for the students included in the current Find selections and will include a single row that contains the highest level of benefit eligibility.  The benefit eligibility is determined by a hierarchy defined by The Office of Child Nutrition; SNAP, TANF, Medicaid Free, Eligibility Flags and Medicaid Reduced. During the matching routines, if a student qualifies under SNAP, TANF or Medicaid free, the remaining levels are not considered since a child qualifies under only 1 benefit. Please refer to the Vendor Export Configuration for details on customizing the Vendor Export. 

The standard Export will export all data for the students included in the current Find selections. The standard Export option is not customizable.  The standard Export will include more data about each student than what is available from the Vendor Export option.   Each student will have a single row that contains the highest level of benefit eligibility.  

The Sch Yr End Export will export data specifically in the format needed for import into CNDC using the Upload options.   See additional on the School Year end roll-over processing here.

From the File Output Format drop down, select TAB delimited or comma separated (CSV) format. The default output format is CSV which is generally required for importing into Point of Sale systems.   The resulting output file may be saved and imported into a spreadsheet.  When importing a TAB delimited or CSV file into a spreadsheet, be certain to select the appropriate delimiter.


Summary Listing Screen

In the summary listing screen, basic student information is displayed along with the matched and/or potential benefits.  The icon appearing to the right of each benefit indicates the status of that particular benefit.  The icon appearing to the left of the student name indicates the overall status for the student.  This status would show the highest level of all qualifying events as a whole.   This might be if the student has a qualifying benefit, no qualifying event or if the student was removed/inactivated.




Status Icons

  • Red / X Icon - Unmatched or No Match

  • Yellow / Exclamation Point Icon - Potential Match

    •  This icon represents situations where there was not enough data that matched between the ODJFS/Medicaid benefit data and the district supplied data to automatically qualify the student for the benefit.   However, there were enough data points matching where it is potentially the correct student for the benefit.   The district may review the details for the student to determine if the benefit should be allowed and manually matched.  See details on that process under the Student Detail section below. 

  • Green / Check Mark Icon  - Matched, Student is certified as eligible for Free or Reduced meal benefits through the National School Lunch Program.

Columns in the grid whose headings are blue and contain an icon with up/down arrows  are sortable.  The column heading acts as a toggle allowing the data to be sorted in ascending or descending order by repeatedly clicking on the column heading.

Inactive records are displayed with a strike-thru.

A summary of Audit information about a course record may be seen by clicking on the blue triangle icon.   Refer to the Audit Detail section below for more detail.  


Qualified By - Prior District Match 

If a match was made based on the student having had a benefit at a prior district in the current school year, it will appear in the summary listing with the prefix of "PriorDist" in the Qualified By column.  The prefix will then be followed by a two character abbreviation to indicate the type of benefit the student qualified for at the prior district.


MD - Medicaid
FS - Foster
HM - Homeless
MG - Migrant
HE - Household

Student Detail

Clicking on the overall (left side) status icon or any of the student name hyperlinks will take you to the student detail page showing the full details of the student's CNDC information. 

The detail page is where districts can intervene within the automated match routine results.  Users have the option of manual matching/un-matching any record and the removal of a benefit eligibility for any student.  Comments may be made on the manual actions.  

The data displayed on the left in the shaded box represents the student enrollment data the district submitted or uploaded.  The data display on the right in the grid represents the information pertaining to the matching of the student's enrollment data to the benefit data provided by ODJFS and Medicaid. 



If a benefit is able to be matched, a match button will appear in the student detail.  Clicking on the match button will cause another screen to display for the matching.  You will see a warning regarding the action you are about to take.  A comment may be entered regarding the match. The comment will be displayed in the student detail and may also be updated from the Student Detail page.  Information about the student is displayed in a box on the left.



If a benefit is able to be unmatched, an unmatch button will appear in the student detail.   Clicking on the unmatch button will cause another screen to display to complete the unmatching.  You will see a warning regarding the action you are about to take.  Once a student is unmatch from a benefit, they can't be rematched to that same benefit.   A comment may be entered regarding the unmatch. The comment will be displayed in the student detail and may also be updated from the Student Detail page.  Information about the student is displayed in a box on the left.

Manually Remove Eligibility Based Benefit

If a student is matched based on other reported data, such as foster placement, homeless or migrant status and that data qualifies the student for free or reduced  child nurtrition benefits, the eligibility may be manually unmatched by clicking the Remove Eligibility button from the student detail screen.

When the Remove Eligibility button is used, a new screen will be displayed to complete the removal.  A warning will be displayed regarding the action about to be taken. A comment may be entered regarding the removal of the benefit.  Any comment entered will be displayed in the student detail.  The comment may also be updated from the Student Detail page.  Information about the student is displayed in a box on the left.



Comments that were entered while manually matching/unmatching a benefit or removing an eligibility based benefit may be updated at any time by clicking on the Edit icon next to the comment in the detail screen. A comment is not required when matching/unmatching a benefit.  If no comment was entered at the time of the matching/unmatching, it is possible to add one later.  The edit icon will appear in the comment cell of the detail display with no text in this case.

Matched Benefit

Eligibility Based Benefit


Once the Edit icon is clicked, a popup window will appear allowing the comment to be updated.

Remove Student

For manually uploaded students, there will be the ability to remove the student.  There will be a 'Remove Student' hyperlink appearing in the Summary Listing for any students that were manually uploaded.


When the Remove Student link is clicked, a confirmation box will appear.  

The user must click OK from the confirmation popup in order to remove the student.   Once a student is removed, the student will appear in the Summary Listing with strike-through formatting, based on the Find/Filter options.  With the default filter option of 'Free and Reduced Meals', removed students will not appear in the Summary Listing.



Audit Detail

By clicking on the blue triangle  icon,  information will be displayed in a popup window regarding record additions and updates for the student.

School Year-End Rollover Processing

The districts that have uploaded student information into CNDC may run the special year-end export.   This export will include all the elements needed for an import and in the format for importing.  Any non-pub could run this and export all students.   The other agency types could run this and the export would only include the students they previously uploaded manually.  No students that were included in CNDC thru an SCR submission will be in the year-end export.   Districts can run the year-end export after selecting the 2023-24 school year in the navigation bar.

The district must then review the output file in a spreadsheet application.   Care needs to be taken to preserve leading zeroes.  Any non-returning students should be removed from the data.  The school year on this file would need to be changed to 2025.   Any new students can be added to the file now.  Another option is to add new students later with a separate upload file.   The updated file should be saved.   Again, caution should be taken to preserve leading zeroes.   Districts can then run the Upload after selecting the 2024-25 school year from the Navigation bar.  This will populate the data for the new selected school year for these students.


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