Application Settings

Application Settings

SOAP Connection

Both USAS and USPS agents connect to SOAP services to retrieve data. The connection details are configured by the "SOAP Connection" dialog in the Agent settings pane. Click on SOAP Connection to bring up the following settings:


the URL to locate the USAS or USPS SOAP service


name to use when connecting to the USAS or USPS SOAP service


password needed to authenticate to the USAS or USPS SOAP service

SOAP Service URL

This is the URL where the USAS or USPS SOAP service is installed. This must be full URL to the EMIS service within the respective application service:





Where {server} is the host name or IP address hosting the service and {context} is the context where the SOAP service is installed.  You may also use "https" if you prefer to encrypt the traffic between the agent and SOAP service.  You may refer to EMIS SIF Agent Integration for additional information on the USAS/USPS SOAP services.

You will need valid content for all three of these fields to configure and connect the agent successfully.

Figure 7. SOAP Connection


SOAP Optimization

The SOAP connection can be optimized for performance. The optimization details are configured by the "SOAP Optimizations" dialog found in the Agent Settings.
Records Per Request: Specifies how many records should be returned in a SOAP query. Larger numbers increases the amount of memory needed by the Agent to handle the data, but it also reduces the network traffic time with fewer connections needed to get all the data. Conversely, smaller numbers decreases the amount of memory needed by the Agent, but also increases the network time to retrieve the data.
Minutes before local cache expires: Specifies the time in minutes before a local cache expires. When the cache expires, queries for SIF data will re-request data from the SOAP service. Smaller expiration times decrease efficiency, but data will more likely be current. Conversely, larger expiration times increase efficiency, but data will less likely be current.

Figure 8. SOAP Optimization