Console Window

Console Window

If the the agent's Console is running, the Console's icon will appear in the tray. The USAS icon is orange, and the USPS icon is blue. If the Console is not running, it may be started using:

> cd {agentInstallDirectory} > java -jar RunConsole.jar
worddav640c4453081b08456677c5454010bd69.png [imported from a Word document]

Click on the icon to open the agent's console. A login screen will appear.

Figure 2. Login Screen

Select where you will connect to the agent, then click Connect.
The following window is displayed when connecting to the SIF Agent Console:
Figure 3. Console main window with 1 zone group & 3 zones

Each row in the table is a zone or a zone group. A "zone group" is a folder you can create to organize one or more related zones. Double-click a zone group to expand the folder and view the zones contained within.
The following columns are shown for each zone in the table:

  • Status Icon
    A green icon means the zone is connected to the Zone Integration Server and there are no errors or warnings. A yellow icon indicates the zone is disabled or asleep. A red icon denotes an error connecting to the zone and is also shown for zones that are not connected.

  • School Name or District
    For synchronized zones and SIS Agents, this column displays the name of the school or district published by the zone. District and aggregate zones, which may publish more than one school, also show the number of schools instead of a school name (e.g. "34 schools")

  • Zone
    The ID of the zone.

  • Status
    The Status column indicates any activity being performed on the zone. When there are no messages the word "Idle" is displayed (with a trailing asterisk if the agent is registered in Pull mode). If there is a problem with the zone, an error message is displayed in the Status column: SIF Database not accessible