
Release Date

Build Number

Build Date

Release Notes


Release Date

Build Number

Build Date

Release Notes






























































Previous USAS Release Notes

Versions 7.0.0 - 8.88.0




Feedback extremely important and we will address all feedback with the highest priority. Please communicate all feedback to the SSDT using the proper standard channels.  Users are encourage to contact their ITCs for support.  ITCs can create support tickets via the SSDT Service Desk Portal or can send mail to  Feedback should be as specific as possible and include, but is not limited to, any bugs discovered, required missing features, and critical reports that are not adequately implemented.  

Accounts Receivable Module 

Implementation of the Accounts Receivable module is complete.  Accounts Receivable was made available July 31, 2020 with the release of USAS-R 8.0.0.  Please see the documentation for details.

Inventory Module

Implementation of the Inventory application is complete.  Inventory was made available  August 16, 2021.  ITCs are in the progress of migrating their district's Classic EIS data to the new application.  In the interim, districts can continue using EIS for their inventory.  SSDT has an inventory extract in Redesign that will extract data which can then be imported into the pending file in Classic EIS.  Please see Creating an Inventory Extract and Importing into Classic EIS for details.


Accessing the Wiki

Please use your MCOECN username/password to access the SSDT Wiki.  If you have any issues, contact the SSDT for a wiki account. After completing the signup, you will have rights to post comments on the wiki.

If you already have an SSDT JIRA username, we recommend you use the same username and password on both Wiki and JIRA. In the future, these accounts will be merged into a single directory.

Accessing JIRA

If you already have an SSDT JIRA username, you may continue to use your existing JIRA username at the present time.  If you do not have an existing SSDT Jira username, please use your MCOECN account credentials and contact the SSDT if you have any visibility issues.  JIRA access will be migrating to MCOECN accounts as the primary access in the future.