USAS-R v7.17.0-12 Release Notes

USAS-R v7.17.0-12 Release Notes


March 11, 2019


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Build Date

2019-03-10 12:12:18


This release contains bug fixes, exciting new features, various report improvements and patches as detailed in the full release notes below.

Important Highlights

  1. Improvements have been made to reconciling disbursements.  This change improved the overall performance of disbursements as well.

  2. Corrected a problem with printing multivendor POs in XML format.

  3. Improved performance of closing popup windows.

  4. Implemented the ability to import monthly and fiscal cd archives from Classic.

  5. Vendor ledgers are being posted for prior calendar year voided disbursements.  Previously the ledger entry was removed when the disbursement was void.  Now void ledgers will be posted using the void date.  This will keep calendar year amounts from being changed, while accurately updating fytd amounts.

  6. Corrected the requisition approval status to display correctly.

  7. Activity ledgers are now being generated for advance repay transactions.  This means they will now be included on the Financial Detail reports and Activity Ledger grid.

  8. Remaining invoiceable has been removed from the PO header and item area, but is still reportable.

  9. Corrected the posting of Disbursements to specify the item order, previously this was determined by how the items were selected in the Payable grid.

  10. Corrected problem with mass loading accounts with regard to xref codes.

  11. The tax id and type have been restricted to the USAS_PRIVACY_TAXID permission to prevent those without the permission from seeing it.  However, users without the permissions could still see this information on reports.  We are working on a way to suppress the fields on reports as well.

  12. The asOfPeriod parameter has been added to various template reports to allow the user to generate a report as of a specific period without having to change the current posting period.  

  13. Corrected an error with the new hire report if the begin date is not populated on the vendor and the user did not select to calculate the begin date.

Please keep in mind these release notes only reflect the changes included in this release.  There are many other features of the software that were previously released that will not be reflected in these release notes.  General information about all of the features available in USAS-R can be found in our USAS-R Documentation.  There is a section in the documentation that also details the significant changes between USAS-R and classic USAS. 

Reported Performance Problems

We are working to improve performance in the following areas as reported through feedback.

  1. Purchase Order item entry USASR-3508: Convert PO Item table to gridResolved

  2. Loading report definitions USASR-3128: Improve performance of loading report definitionsResolved

Known Limitations

  1. Auto assign preferences for requisitions.   USASR-352: Implement auto-assign preferences for requisitionsResolved

  2. The Expense/Receipt worksheets, while they provide 3 years of history, those amounts are not currently being subtotaled by control breaks.  We've created Jira issue USASR-3275: Update Budgeting worksheets to allow prior year transaction amounts to be totaledResolved to allow those amounts to be subtotaled.  This issue will also allow the data to display in separate columns if included on the budgeting spreadsheets via the Budget Scenarios.

  3. The SSDT Revenue and Expenditures by Cash Account and by Fund reports have a grand total that needs to be corrected.  USASR-3693: Correct totals on both SSDT Revenue and Expenditure reports (FNDREVEX)Closed

  4. Budget adjustments are being duplicated on import.  This will be corrected on the 7.18 release. USASR-3617: Remove budget adjustment importerResolved

Upcoming Features

  1. Schedulable report process to replace Classic's MonthlyCD program

  2. Continued performance improvements

  3. Import legacy monthly cd and fiscal cd archives

Issues included on this release

key summary type status resolution

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