USAS-R v7.39.0-6 Release Notes
Date | Apr 9, 2020 |
Issues | Getting issues... |
Build Date | Apr 8, 2020 22:48:57 |
This release contains bug fixes and report improvements as detailed in the release notes below.
Important Highlights
Please keep in mind these release notes only reflect the changes included in this release. There are many other features of the software that were previously released that will not be reflected in these release notes. General information about all of the features available in USAS-R can be found in our USAS-R Documentation. There is a section in the documentation that also details the significant changes between USAS-R and classic USAS.
Improved the message results when reconciling checks to better distinguish between warnings and errors. Also corrected a problem with the vendor tax id rule so that it no longer inaccurately produces an error when reconciling, un-reconciling or voiding disbursements.
Updated the list of valid states on the vendor to include all US Territories.
Improved the performance of the account sync process between USAS and USPS by 83%. An account sync that previous ran in 12 minutes will now complete in 2 minutes.
Improved the performance of the Fund tab in the Account UI by 90%. Loading the Fund tab will take 1 second where it took 10 seconds prior to our improvement.
Implemented the Requires Budgeting flag on the Cash Account. This replicates the overall behavior of Classic's Bypass Budgeting flag. If the Classic flag was set to true to, that meant to ignore the budgeting and allow the transaction to post even if the account was negative. In the Redesign, if the the flag is set to true the account requires budgeting and will not allow transactions to post if the account balance will be negative. So a true in Classic equals a false in Redesign because the question being asked by the flag/field is the opposite.
Correction to the hotfix that went out to fix the repay advances that were posted in Redesign this year. The problem has been corrected.
Reported Performance Problems
We are working to improve performance in the following areas as reported through feedback.
Districts with a large number of accounts experiencing slowness USASR-3935: Improve Financial Detail report performance for large districts Resolved
The report button on the Activity Ledger grid does not produce the report generation popup as quickly as other grids USASR-3961: Improve performance of Activity Ledger grid reportOpen
Improve the time it takes to generate the Revenues and Expenditures report USASR-4067: Revenues and Expenditures report performance problemResolved
Budget Summary report generation performance needs to be improved USASR-4079: Improve performance of the Budget Summary reportResolved
Financial Detail July 1 Cash Balance report generation performance needs to be improved
Upcoming Features
Due to the rules in place for posting periods we will not be releasing a mass change definition to update the received date on invoices. However, we will be writing a patch to get them updated.
Improve the performance of the Appropriation Resolution report generation USASR-3889: Improve performance of Appropriation Resolution reportResolved