USAS-R v7.25.0-13 Release Notes
Date | October 2, 2019 |
Issues | Getting issues... |
Build Date | Sep 30, 2019 17:36:05 |
This release contains bug fixes, exciting new features and various report and performance improvements as detailed in the release notes below.
Important Highlights
Please keep in mind these release notes only reflect the changes included in this release. There are many other features of the software that were previously released that will not be reflected in these release notes. General information about all of the features available in USAS-R can be found in our USAS-R Documentation. There is a section in the documentation that also details the significant changes between USAS-R and classic USAS.
The Account Change option has temporarily been removed from the menu. We discovered problems with this feature that we were unable to resolve in time for the release, so while we continue to correct those problems we have decided to temporarily remove it.
Performance improvements were made to the various account tabs in the Account UI. Each of the account grids should now load a minimum of 25% faster. We will continue to work on improving grid performance in a subsequent release.
Classic's FUNDSUMM report has been added to the Redesign as a canned report named "Financial Summary by Fund Report" and is available from the Report menu. Users will select how they want to categorize the fund, by function or object, and will also be able to exclude accounts that have zero amounts from the report.
The remaining RECLED reports have been added to the application as template reports. You'll find them via the report manager as follows:
Budgeting Transactions Summarized by Appropriation, formerly RECAPP
Error Corrections and Supplies Distributions, formerly RECCOR
Created a template report to show budgeting transactions related to Revenue accounts. The new report is named Anticipated Revenue Transactions.
Corrected the PO XML file to correctly reflect budget account totals with regard to canceled items. Previously canceled amounts were being included in the total.
Corrected a problem reconciling checks that referenced inactive accounts.
Made improvements to the various Account UIs and Transfer/Advance UI to properly secure buttons for read only users.
Reported Performance Problems
We are working to improve performance in the following areas as reported through feedback.
Account UI Grid loading
Districts with a large number of accounts experiencing slowness
Improve the performance of the Appropriation Resolution report generation
The report button on the Activity Ledger grid does not produce the report generation popup as quickly as other grids USASR-3961: Improve performance of Activity Ledger grid reportOpen
Known Limitations
When processing proposed amounts, if you enter an amount of zero the transaction will not be posted.
AP Invoices USASR-3963: Give an error when invoice status is populated and an amount of zero is enteredResolved
You are able to post invoices with no items, the system will allow it and not provide an error - AP Invoice (Legacy) does gives an error: Invoice has no items.
You can invoice an item for 0.00.
You can invoice an item with a status of cancel_full with an amount of 0.00. This makes the PO amounts look incorrect because the system will remove the item amount from the remaining encumbrance but since the invoice was for 0.00 the canceled total is zero.
Upcoming Features
Adding Report Bundles to USASR. This will allow users to create and schedule custom report bundles. USASR-3968: Add Report Bundle menu option to Report menuResolved
Schedule-able report process to replace Classic's MonthlyCD program.