USAS-R v7.4.0-14 Release Notes

USAS-R v7.4.0-14 Release Notes


April 15, 2018


23 issues


This is the fifth production release of the USAS Redesign software; the first release for version 7.4.0.  This release contains various bug fixes, new features, report improvements and import performance improvements.  We've also continued work on implementing Account Change and a scheduling service that will enable us to implement MonthlyCD and FiscalCD.

A few notable changes:

Please keep in mind these release notes only reflect the changes included in this release. There are many other features of the software that were previously released that will not be reflected in these release notes. General information about all of the features available in USAS-R can be found in our USAS Documentation. There is a section in the documentation that also details the significant changes between USAS-R and classic USAS. 

Known Limitations

  1. The O.R.C is missing from the Amended Certificate and Appropriation Resolution reports.  

  2. The GAAP export is available, but is not excluding accounts with all zero amounts like Classic's export did.  

  3. The Budgeting module is in place and you can currently create next year proposed amounts.  We have planned improvements to this interface.  We need to add the ability to create those amounts in the current year, Classic's IAB options of Approp.

  4.  We are currently working to complete the implementation Classic's ACTCHG functionality.  This will be available on the 7.5.0 release.

  5. The extract needed for EMIS-R is not yet available.  
    USASR-2604: Create EMIS-R extractResolved

  6. Classic's CERTBAL report is not currently available.  
    USASR-2529: Recreate Classic CERTBAL report for RedesignResolved

  7. Auto assign preferences for requisitions.  
    USASR-352: Implement auto-assign preferences for requisitionsResolved

Upcoming Features

  1. Schedulable report process to replace MonthlyCD

  2. Implementation of SM12

Issues included on this release


  • [USASR-3084] - Cash Summary Report not reflecting changes in encumbrance

  • [USASR-3087] - Fix Error when entering single quote into account comboboxes

  • [USASR-3091] - Fix Positive Pay Filtering of Disbursements by Date

  • [USASR-3094] - Incorrect Property Showing in Report Filter Fields

  • [USASR-3098] - Error with vendor # filter on Payable Vendor grid

  • [USASR-3105] - QueryBuilder DSL does not support querying for negative amounts

  • [USASR-3107] - OutputStreamResponse does not Handle Possible NPE

  • [USASR-3108] - Revenue Account Activity Report Uses Awkward Date Filtering Criteria

  • [USASR-3115] - Improve Logging in QueryBuilder to be more Null-Safe

  • [USASR-3116] - Error cloning Refunds

  • [USASR-3118] - Problem re-printing edited PO

  • [USASR-3135] - District Expended Amounts not Balancing to Classic

  • [USASR-3137] - Resolution of Incorrect Forecast Line Number


  • [USASR-3141] - Correct Reduction of Expenditure Ledger Report

  • [USASR-3142] - User can't query invoices by vendor


  • [USASR-3120] - Display label not applied to report column title

  • [USASR-3138] - Create 7.4.0 Release Branches


  • [USASR-3055] - Continue work on Account Change (ACTCHG)

  • [USASR-3074] - Update subject code files

  • [USASR-3089] - Add missing totals to Appropriation Resolution report

  • [USASR-3099] - ActivityLedger Needs to Recover if Posting Did Not Complete at Startup

  • [USASR-3112] - Create PO from PendingTransaction for insurance and retirement payments

  • [USASR-3143] - Update template reports to include additional parameters