File Archive

File Archive

The File Archive option will not be visible to USAS_RO or USAS_REQ roles without the USAS_FILEARCHIVE role added to the user. The USAS_STANDARD and USAS_MANAGER roles contain these permissions by default with the MODULE_FILE (complete access) role.  

To view archived data, go to UTILITIES/File Archive

The File Archive option has three tabs:

  • Monthly Reports Archive: Contains reports associated with a specific month/period including those imported from Classic's Historical MONTHLYCD and those generated by the SSDT Monthly Reports Bundle
  • Fiscal Year Reports Archive: Contains reports associated with a specific fiscal year including those imported from Classic's Historical FISCALCD and those generated by the SSDT Fiscal Reports Bundle
  • Calendar Year Reports Archive: Contains reports associated with a specific calendar year generated by the SSDT Calendar Year End Reports Bundle and those files generated by the 1099 Extracts program.  

The user will be able to see a listing for "sets" of files.  For instance, Fiscal Year Reports Archive will have a list of fiscal years - when they select a fiscal year, a listing of the individual files will be available in the highlight viewer (when a row is selected) and then the user will be able to download individual files. 

In order for the Classic historical sets of files to be displayed in this option, they must first be imported in to the Redesign using the File Import option under Utilities or generated and sent to the File Archive via the Report Bundles.

Monthly Reports Archive

If the SSDT Monthly Reports bundle is enabled, a Monthly Reports Archive will be added to this grid each time a Posting Period is closed. Classic MONTHLYCD Archives can also be imported for previous periods.

The grid will contain a row for each month that reports are available for. 

At this time, the reports will be generated in USAS for any periods closed going forward. Very soon we'll implement a way to create the monthly report bundles for previously closed posting periods on the Redesign.  We strongly discourage the reopening of posting periods to generate monthly report bundles for prior periods.

View/Download Monthly Reports

Clicking the View icon  will open a view of the file set header information. This contains the Description of the Monthly Reports Archive. 

To view/download the individual Reports included in the SSDT Monthly Reports bundle, click on the row in the grid to open the detail on the right side of the page. Reports can be downloaded by clicking the generate  icon.

Edit Monthly Reports

The Description of the Monthly Report bundle can be modified by clicking the edit  icon.

At this time, reports included in the archives cannot be edited or deleted individually.

Delete Monthly Reports


The delete options are only available by default to these SSDT roles: Administrators, SYSMAN_USER, and USAS_FILEARCHIVE_MANAGER.

Delete all reports for the Month by clicking the delete icon directly on the Monthly Report Archive grid. 

If a Posting Period is re-opened, the SSDT Monthly Bundle will automatically run again when the period is closed.  If a monthly report bundle already exists in the archive a second copy of the reports will be added to the existing Monthly reports. To avoid this, delete the first Monthly Reports bundle before re-closing the reopened posting period to prevent duplicate copies of reports from being stored for that month OR disable the SSDT Monthly Reports bundle prior to re-closing the posting period to retain the original reports. 

To delete individual reports from a month:

  1. Click on the row for the month to open the detail window showing the reports contained in that month's folder
  2. Use the checkbox to select individual reports to be removed
    1. The checkbox in the header row can be used to 'Select All'
  3. Click to delete the selected reports from the File Archive

Fiscal Year Reports Archive

View/Download Fiscal Reports

Clicking the View icon  will open a view of the file set header information. This contains the Description of the Fiscal Reports Archive. 

To view/download the individual Reports included in the SSDT Fiscal Year End Reports bundle, click on the row in the grid to open the detail on the right side of the page. Reports can be downloaded by clicking the generate  icon.

Edit Fiscal Reports

The Description of the Fiscal Report bundle can be modified by clicking the edit  icon.

At this time, reports included in the archives cannot be edited or deleted individually.

Delete Fiscal Reports


The delete options are only available by default to these SSDT roles: Administrators, SYSMAN_USER, and USAS_FILEARCHIVE_MANAGER.

Delete all reports for the Fiscal Year by clicking the delete icon directly on the Fiscal Year Report Archive grid. 

If a the last posting period of the fiscal year is re-opened, the SSDT Fiscal Year End Bundle will automatically run again when the period is closed.  If a fiscal report bundle already exists in the archive for that fiscal year, a second copy of the reports will be added to the existing fiscal year archive. To avoid this, delete the fiscal year from the File Archive before re-closing the reopened posting period to prevent duplicate copies of reports from being stored for that month OR disable the SSDT Fiscal Year End Reports bundle prior to re-closing the posting period to retain the original reports. 

To delete individual reports from a fiscal year:

  1. Click on the row for the fiscal year to open the detail window showing the reports contained in that folder
  2. Use the checkbox to select individual reports to be removed
    1. The checkbox in the header row can be used to 'Select All'
  3. Click to delete the selected reports from the File Archive

Calendar Year Reports Archive

The calendar year reports bundle will be sent to the Calendar Year Reports Archive when the December posting period is closed.  The Calendar Year Report Archive will also store the copy of the 1099 print files (XML), the copy of the 1099 submission extract file (TAP), the transmitter report (TXT) if the district is submitting the files to the IRS themselves, and the 1099 report (PDF), and any Reference or Printer/Sealer (PDF) copies when these are processed by the user.

View/Download Calendar Year Reports

Clicking the View icon  will open a view of the file set header information. This contains the Description of the Calendar Year Reports Archive. 

To view/download the individual Reports included in the SSDT Calendar Year Reports bundle, click on the row in the grid to open the detail on the right side of the page. Reports can be downloaded by clicking the generate  icon.

Edit Calendar Year Reports

The Description of the Calendar Year Report bundle can be modified by clicking the edit  icon.

Delete Calendar Year End Reports


The delete options are only available by default to these SSDT roles: Administrators, SYSMAN_USER, and USAS_FILEARCHIVE_MANAGER.

Delete all reports for the Calendar Year by clicking the delete icon directly on the Calendar Year Report Archive grid. 

If the December Posting Period is re-opened, the SSDT Calendar Year End Report Bundle will automatically run again when December is closed.  If a calendar year end report bundle already exists in the archive, a second copy of the Calendar Year reports will be added to the existing Calendar Year reports. 

To delete individual reports from a calendar year:

  1. Click on the row for the calendar year to open the detail window showing the reports contained in that folder
  2. Use the checkbox to select individual reports to be removed
    1. The checkbox in the header row can be used to 'Select All'
  3. Click to delete the selected reports from the File Archive

Audit Reports

Under the Audit Reports tab, the reports for District Audit Job and SOC1 Audit Job will be listed:

For more information on Creating Audit Jobs, please see the Job Scheduler chapter. 

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