USPS-R 6.70.0 Release Notes
Date | Jul 15, 2022 |
Issues | Getting issues... |
Build Date | 2022-07-14 01:11:27 |
This release of USPS-R contains bug fixes and improvements. See highlights below.
Important highlights from this release
Bug Fixes
Change how the attendance validations work for positions with different retirement systems.
Before this change a user would need to enter each position as a fraction of a day, totaling 1 day.
After the change, users will be able to enter each day with a value of 1.
The day total validation will only compare with other attendances with the same retirement system.
Pay Report - total participants in pay item totals was inflated if an employee had deductions by position.
Retirement Service is not excluding archived compensations.
STRS Advance - archived mid-year contract change causes original compensation to not be used on the advanced report.
Date Code Extract User Interface - correct issue with most recent report run always being overridden with the default report title value.
Always set a job calendar reference in a compensation.
Include employees being paid from accrued wages on the CSV extract of the AFFORD Report.
A small bug was found and some employees who were not paid in the user entered date range could be included in this CSV report.
The above issue was added and will be hotfixed on the 6.70.1 release of USPS-R.
Add validation to the rehired date if rehired retiree flag is true on the SERS Item.