USPS-R 6.85.0 Release Notes


Feb 10, 2023 


Getting issues...

Build Date

2023-02-08 02:26:59


This release of USPS-R contains bug fixes and improvements. See highlights below.

Important highlights from this release

  • Bug Fixes

    • Payroll Item Detail Report - gross wages were not always the same between Pre and Posted payrolls.

    • Attendance Import Service - include warning and errors on screen when loading attendance csv file.

    • Deferred dock improvements.

    • Correct count for ODJFS employees on Posted Pay Report.

    • CCA RS Record - Non-Ohio records should fill spaces for State account number.

    • YTD Report - restore deleted query.

    • Earnings Register / Account History v2 is not handling percentages correctly.

  • Improvements

    • Earnings Register - add employee leave totals for Medicare pickup.

    • Improve file archive handling of year parameters.

The 6.85.0 release of USPS will include a job to update Pay Account history. After USPS has been updated to 6.85.0, during startup the Account History job will be scheduled for 12:30 AM on the next Saturday after install. If the release is installed on a Saturday, the job will be scheduled for the next Saturday at 12:30 AM.

This job will update all historical payroll accounts processed after migration from classic to include a Percentage Charged for applicable pay accounts. In testing, this job can run for over five hours for some of the largest districts on State Software. This work is being done through a job to prevent log wait times for initial startup. While this job is running application performance may be impacted, which is why we are scheduling it to start early on a Saturday morning. 

All updates for this release

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