CRDC Reports - Civil Rights Data Collection Reporting
CRDC Reports - Civil Rights Data Collection Reporting
CRDC produces a report listing different required variables for specific reporting groups.
Specifications of data selection for all schedules include:
- The record must be set to be 'Reportable to EMIS' on the Position screen
- If the position status is not equal to U, it is eligible for the report
- If the position status is equal to U, then checks the separation date and if it falls within the fiscal year selected, it is eligible for the report
- If the compensation date range falls anywhere within FY selected, then eligible for the report
- One fund source code must = A, B, F, G, I, L, N, T, or U to be included.
The information from the CRDC is based off Federal requirements. The CRDC report was created to be a major aid in finding the requirements, but may not be inclusive of everything. Some additions or subtractions may be needed by the districts.
Select the Report Format for printing:
- Comma Separated Values
Fiscal Year- Enter in the fiscal year that you are processing the report for.
Select the Report to generate:
Click on
- Instructional Staff- SCH-0043 These records will be sorted by building IRN then by staff name. The data for the Instructional Group will contain building IRN, employee name, EMPID, state assigned ID, position code, contract amount from the EMIS Contract Info field or contract amount from the Compensation record, if the EMIS contract field is blank, FTE from the EMIS Contract Info field or FTE from the Position if the EMIS contract field is blank and absences greater than 10 which include sick, personal leave, dock, jury duty, military and other. The contract amount, FTE and Absences >10 for each building will be totaled and their will be a there will be a group total for the Instructional Staff.
Position Code Assignment Area 230, 299 000505 230 000549 230 001693 230 001701 230 000384 230 000385 230 000387 230 004911 230 004929 230 004937 230 008102 230, 299 011643 230, 299 012328 230 014324 230. 299 015759 230. 299 017307 230, 299 019521 230 019547