Setting Up a Board Paid Annuity

Setting Up a Board Paid Annuity

The following outlines the steps involved when the board agrees to pay an annuity on the employee’s behalf and this payment should be treated as wages - and can be considered for retirement if desired. These steps may vary based on what has been negotiated and the specifics of each agreement. Please reach out to your tax advisor for any tax related questions.

  1. Create a Position for the board paid annuity. If retirement is to be withheld on the payment, select the appropriate retirement option from the Retirement Code dropdown. If retirement is not to be withheld, se the Retirement Code dropdown option to None.

  2. Create a Compensation for the board paid annuity. Depending on how the annuity should be paid will determine how the Compensation should be set up. Fields to give attention to based on how the board paid annuity is to be paid are:

    • Job Calendar

    • Compensation Start Date

    • Compensation Stop Date

    • Pay Plan

    • Pay Unit

    • Unit Amount

    • Retirement Hours

    • Hours In Day

    • Contract Work Days

    • Contract Amount

    • Contract Obligation

    • Pays In Contract

    • Stretch Pay

    • Calendar Start Date

  3. Create a Payroll Item for the board paid annuity. Depending on how the annuity should be paid will determine how the Payroll Item should be set up. Fields to give attention to based on how the board paid annuity is to be paid are:

    • Rate Type

    • Pay Cycle

    • Employer Rate

    • Employer Withholding Max>Deduct Max Type

    • Employer Withholding Max>Max Amount

    • Employer Withholding Max>Specific Date

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