


A "Rules Engine" allows various types of business rules to be written in a text format and easily applied to the system "on the fly" – without even logging out or shutting it down.  USAS comes with its own set of required business rules, as well as a number of optional business rules that the district may enable or disable as they desire.  Customized rules can also be written for each district, either by district personnel with the appropriate access to do so, or with help from their ITC or the SSDT.  A few examples of using customized business rules are custom validations, sending email or Twitter notifications, or even updating fields based on certain criteria.  These can also be used in conjunction with Custom Fields 

Bundled means it comes with the USAS software; Mandatory means the rule can not be disabled.


  1. From the System menu select 'Rules'
  2. Click on
  3. Enter in required rule information

    Check the enabled box if the user wants it to be in affect the next time the rulesets are activated
  4. Click on  to ensure rule is correct
  5. Click on  to create the rule, click on  to not create the rule.


Rules do not take affect as soon as they are saved.  In order to make a new or changed rule take affect, the user would click on .  This will reload all of the enabled rulesets and they will become effective immediately.

If Rules are not "Activated" from the grid they will be enabled/disabled (depending on current status) the next time the instance is restarted.

The Rules grid allows the user to search for existing Rules on the system by clicking in the filter row in the grid columns and entering in the desired information. Click on any row of the search results to see a summary view of the record.  The Advanced Search can be utilized by clicking on the   in the upper right side of the grid.


The options listed will depend if the rule is bundled and/or mandatory. If the rule is bundled and mandatory a user will only be able to view it. If the rule is bundled and not mandatory the user will be able to view or disable it. If the rule is not bundled then the user will be able to edit, delete or disable it. 

Click on the   in the grid beside the Rule to edit the record.

Disable Rule

A rule may be disabled if it is not mandatory.

  1. From the System menu select 'Rules'
  2. Search for desired Rule
  3. Click on
  4. Uncheck the
  5. Click on and close the pop up window
  6. Click on in order for the change to go into affect

Enable Rule

A disabled rule may be enabled at any time.  

  1. From the System menu select 'Rules'
  2. Search for desired Rule
  3. Click on
  4. Check the 
  5. Click on and close the pop up window
  6. Click on in order for the change to go into affect


Click on the    in the grid beside the desired rule.  A confirmation box will appear and you will be asked to confirm that you really do want to delete this rule. A rule may be deleted if it is not bundled.

Mandatory Rules

The following rules come with the software (bundled) and are mandatory in order to use the software.  They will be enabled automatically when the data is imported.  Mandatory rules cannot be disabled.

org.ssdt_ohio.modules.customfield.CustomFieldsCustom Fields are enabled so that user (with the correct permissions) can create them
org.ssdt_ohio.modules.rules.startup-eventsStarts up the Rules Engine.
org.ssdt_ohio.modules.rules.stream.startup-streamRules engine stream startup
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.account.CashAccountRules'Include as General' flag is automatically set for funds included as part of the Five Year Forecast.  
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.accountChange.AccountChangeAppropriationRuleWarns the user if crossing appropriation boundaries in an account change request
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.accountChange.AccountChangeRequestRulesGenerate an Error if the user is trying to cross funds in an Account Change Request
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.accountChange.AccountTransitionFiscalYearThe prior fiscal year must be closed in order to process requests for current fiscal year.
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.account.ExpenditureAccountRulesWarning: Expenditure And Budget Codes don't match
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.budget.BudgetExpenditureOneToOneRuleError: Budget Expenditure relationship is 1 to 1
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.cashrec.CashReconciliationRulesWarning if the fund total and item total for the Cash Reconciliation being saved do not balance
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.disbursement.DisbursementReconciledDateError if the Reconciled Date is not after the Disbursement date
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.disbursement.DisbursementRulesError if user is generating a Disbursement with a negative amount
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.disbursement.VoidDisbursementRulesError is generated if voiding a disbursement that is reconciled and/or in a previous FY and/or in a closed posting period and/or with a date prior to transaction date
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.distribution.DistributionRulesError is generated if Distribution amounts do not equal zero and/or accounts are not the same type (expenditure or revenue)
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.interfundcash.InterFundCashTransactionError is generated if trying to edit an advance that has already been paid.
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.invoice.InvoiceItemCancelFullRulesOnly one full invoice item per PO item and an invoice item with a status of Cancel_Full must have an amount equal to the remaining encumbrance
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.invoice.InvoiceitemsRulesRequires full invoice items to come after partial invoices for a po charge and prevents invoice from being saved with no items
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.InvoiceFutureYearPOErrorPrevents the invoice date from being in a fiscal year prior to the PO date.
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.modelTransaction.ModelTransactionPrevents requisition, purchase order or disbursement transaction from being posted when the date provided is in a closed posting period. 
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.po.AmendedPOItemsNotChangedPrevents an item from being changed on an amended PO
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.po.AmendedPOPreventModificationIfInvoicedPrevents the purchase order's vendor from being updated if the PO has been invoiced.
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.po.AmendedPOPreventUpdatePrevents a PO from being updated if the PO  is not Modifiable or Amendable
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.po.POConversionRequireAccountsPurchase Order charges must have a valid account
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.po.POIssuedCancelledDateRulesUnable to modify a PO due to the PO date or item's issued or charged dates are in a closed period
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.po.POItemChargeAmountValidationError: Purchase order item and charge amounts are not equal
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.po.POItemChargeDatesError: Issued and cancelled dates on PO items and charges cannot be prior to PO date
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.po.POMultivendorValidationVendor may not be null if purchase order is not a multivendor PO
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.po.POUpdateValidationCannot update purchase order if model indicates it is not modifiable.
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.postingPeriod.PostingPeriodPosting period may not be re-opened because it is more than one year prior to the current period
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.postingPeriod.PostingPeriodCloseAll other posting periods in this fiscal year must be closed prior to closing the current period
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.refund.RefundCheckAmountError: Check Amount must not be zero
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.requisition.ReqRestrictNumberError: User entered an invalid req number
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.requisition.RequisitionDeletionRulesError: Prevent deleting a Requisition in a closed posting period if the Requisition has been converted to a PO or if the PreEncumbranceModule is installed.
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.requisition.RequisitionItemQuantityError: Item quantity must match sum of charge quantities
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.requisition.RequisitionModifyRulesError: Unable to update due to closed posting period.   The rule prevents the Requisition number, date or vendor from being changed when requisition is dated in a closed posting period.
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.user.RoleChangeRulesUser Can Not Change, Create or Delete A Role With An Underscore (SSDT created Roles)
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.user.UserDeleteRuleA username cannot be deleted in SYSTEM/User
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.vendor.VendorUpdate Vendor last activity date when posting requisition, purchase order, invoice and disbursement
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.vendor.VendorDefaultAddressCheckVendor must have a default PO address defined
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.vendor.VendorDefaultAddressesError: Vendor has multiple default PO/check/1099 address defined
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.vendor.VendorTaxIdConfigurationWarn/Error: Vendor tax ID number configuration
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.module.usascodes.CodeStopDateErrorError: Account with stop date prior to current posting period
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.module.usascodes.CodeStopDateWarningWarning: Account with defined stop date produces a warning
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.module.usascodes.validation.AccountValidationAccount code validation (must be a valid account)
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.module.userbasedbalancechecking.rules.UserBasedBalanceCheckingBootstrapBootstrap rules for user-based balance checking
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.rules.opu.OpuError: OPU code and/or IRN are invalid

Bundled Rules that are not Mandatory

The following rules come with the software but are not mandatory in order to use the software.   

org.ssdt_ohio.authnz.authnz-default-passwordMust meet the required default password rules
org.ssdt_ohio.authnz.authnz-stream-rulesAuthentication: Default Break in Detection and Evasion
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.account.AppropriationCreationRulesErrorWarning issued stating Appropriation account already exists
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.account.AppropriationCreationRulesWarningWarning issued stating Appropriation did not previously exists so appropriation account automatically created
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.account.CashAccountCreationRulesErrorCash Account - Prevent Automatic Creation
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.account.CashAccountCreationRulesWarningWarning issued stating cash account did not previously exists so it will be created
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.accountChange.AccountChangeRequestFiscalYearPrior fiscal year must be closed to process an account change request in current fiscal year
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.anticipatedRevenueTransaction.AnticipatedRevenueTransactionRequireActiveAccountsError: Inactive account - AnticipatedRevenue: The cash and revenue accounts need to be active. Check the active flags and start/stop dates on related accounts.
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.budget.AppropMappingSampleBudget to appropriation mapping sample
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.budgetTransaction.BudgetTransactionRequireActiveAccountsError: Inactive account - Budget: The budget's related cash appropriation and expenditure accounts need to be active. Check the active flags and start/stop dates on related accounts.
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.disbursement.DisbursementNegativeCashBalanceErrorError generated if Disbursement cash account contains a negative balance
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.disbursement.DisbursementNegativeCashBalanceWarningWarning is generated if Disbursement cash account contains a negative balance

Error: Inactive account - disbursement

Enabled by default. Error for payroll related Disbursements created from Pending Transactions when accounts used are inactive.

org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.distribution.DistributionNegativeCashBalanceErrorError generated if Distribution cash account contains a negative balance
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.distribution.DistributionNegativeCashBalanceWarningWarning generated if Distribution cash account contains a negative balance
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.distribution.DistributionRequireActiveAccountsError generated when accounts are inactive or have start/stop dates.
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.interfundcash.InterFundNegativeCashBalanceErrorError generated if fund-to-fund transfer or advance cash account contains a negative balance
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.interfundcash.InterFundNegativeCashBalanceWarningWarning generated if fund-to-fund transfer or advance cash account contains a negative balance
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.interfundcash.InterFundCashTransactionRequireActiveAccountError generated when accounts are inactive or have start/stop dates.
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.invoice.InvoiceDatePriorToPODateWarningWarning: Invoice Date is prior to Purchase Order Date

Warning: Invoice amount exceeds remaining encumbrance

Disabled by default. Warning will show when the user saves an invoice that that exceeds the remaining encumbrance account. 


Warning:  Invoice budget negative balance

Enabled by default.  Warning message will show when the user attempts to save an invoice and will indicate the FYTD Unencumbered balance, any Future Encumbered amounts in same fiscal year and any Pre Encumbered amounts (if module is enabled) that exceeds the remaining balance of account.


Error: Invoice Budget negative balance

Disabled by default.  Error message will show when the user attempts to save an invoice and will indicate the FYTD Unencumbered balance, any Future Encumbered amounts in same fiscal year and any Pre Encumbered amounts (if module is enabled) that exceeds the remaining balance of account.


Warning: Invoice cash account negative balance

Enabled by default.  Warning message will show when user attempts to save an invoice and will indicate the current Fund Balance less the current payables for the cash account. 


Error:  Invoice cash account negative balance

Disabled by default.  Error message will show when user attempts to save an invoice and will indicate the current Fund Balance less the current payables for the cash account. 


Modifies Received date to Vendor Invoice Date

Disabled by default. If the Received date is left blank when an invoice is created, then the received date will automatically populate to the date that is entered as the Vendor Invoice Date when the invoice is saved.

org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.invoice.InvoiceVendorActiveError generated if the invoice's vendor in Inactive 
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.invoice.InvoiceVendorDefaultCheckAddressWarning: Vendor does not have a default Check address defined - invoice
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.invoice.InvoiceItemAmountExceedsEncumbranceRuleWarning: Invoice amount exceeds remaining encumbrance
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.invoice.InvoiceZeroAmountStatusWarning: Invoice item amount is 0.00 but an invoice status is entered
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.invoice.InvoiceRequireActiveAccountsError generated when accounts are inactive or have start/stop dates.
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.po.POPreventDeleteError: Purchase orders cannot be deleted
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.po.PORequireActiveAccountsRequires active accounts on purchase orders
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.po.PORestrictedFunctionCodesPrevents Posting purchase order expenditures with function codes 7100-7499
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.po.POVendorActiveRequires active vendors on purchase orders
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.po.PoVendorDefaultPOAddressWarning: Vendor does not have a default PO address defined on the purchase order

Error: Prevent opening a previously closed posting period

Disabled by default. Prevents user from re-opening a posting period that has already been closed.

org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.receipt.ReceiptAccountRulesRequires active accounts on receipts
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.receipt.ReceiptNegativeCashBalanceErrorPrevents posting Receipt to a cash account with negative balance
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.receipt.ReceiptNegativeCashBalanceWarningWarning when posting a Receipt to a cash account with negative balance
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.receipt.ReceiptNumberChangedPrevent the Receipt number from being modified
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.receipt.ReceiptRestrictedCodesPrevent an invalid revenue account from being posted to a receipt item
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.refund.RefundAccountRulesPrevent an Inactive account from being posted to a refund
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.refund.RefundNegativeCashBalanceErrorPrevent a Refund from being posted to a negative cash account balance
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.refund.RefundNegativeCashBalanceWarningWarning will be issued is the refund posts to a negative cash balance
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.refund.RefundVendorActivePrevent inactive vendors from being posted to a refund
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.requisition.ReqPreventBackdatingPrevent backdating requisition prior to the current date.
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.requisition.ReqRequireActiveAccountsPrevent an inactive account to be posted to a requisition
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.requisition.ReqRestrictedFunctionCodesPrevent posting requisitions with expenditure account containing function codes 7100-7499
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.requisition.RequisitionClosedPeriodPrevent requisition is in a closed period from being deleted
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.requisition.RequisitionVendorActivePrevent an inactive vendor from being posted to a requisition
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.requisition.ReqVendorDefaultPOAddressWarning will be issued if a vendor does not have a default PO address defined when posting a requisition
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.vendor.VendorNumberChangedPrevent a Vendor number from being modified
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.vendor.VendorTaxIdRulesEnforces that the tax Id Type must be set if the Id # and Type 1099 are set.
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.module.usascodes.AccountDescriptionRuleSet the account description to the default account descriptions when left blank
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.module.userbasedbalancechecking.rules.DistributionAppropriationBalanceCheckWarningWarning will be issued if Appropriation account balance is negative when posting a distribution
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.module.userbasedbalancechecking.rules.DistributionBudgetBalanceCheckWarningWarning will be issued if Budget account balance is negative when posting a distribution

Warning: Negative appropriation unencumbered balance check - future purchase order

Warning will show when user with configuration to Warn on Negative Amounts enters a purchase order for the future fiscal year that exceeds Next Year Proposed unencumbered balance on the appropriation account.


Warning/Error: Negative budget unencumbered balance check - future purchase order

Warning or Error will show when user with configuration to Warn on Negative Amounts or not Allow Negative Budgets enters a purchase order for the future fiscal year that exceeds Next Year Proposed unencumbered balance.


Warning: Negative appropriation balance check - future purchase order

Warning will show when user with configuration to Warn on Negative Amounts enters a purchase order for the future fiscal year that exceeds Next Year Proposed balance on the appropriation account.


Warning: Negative budget balance check - future purchase order

Warning will show when user with configuration to Warn on Negative Amounts enters a purchase order for the future fiscal year that exceeds Next Year Proposed balance on the expenditure account.


Warning: Negative appropriation unencumbered balance check - future requisition

Warning will show when user with configuration to Warn on Negative Amounts enters a requisition for the future fiscal year that exceeds Next Year Proposed unencumbered balance on the appropriation account.


Warning: Negative budget unencumbered balance check - future requisition

Warning will show when user with configuration to Warn on Negative Amounts enters a requisition for the future fiscal year that exceeds Next Year Proposed unencumbered balance on the budget account.


Warning: Negative balance check - future requisition

Warning will show when user with configuration to Warn on Negative Amounts enters a requisition for the future fiscal year that exceeds Next Year Proposed balance on the appropriation account.


Warning: Negative balance check - future requisition

Warning will show when user with configuration to Warn on Negative Amounts enters a requisition for the future fiscal year that exceeds Next Year Proposed balance on the expenditure account.

org.ssdt_ohio.usas.module.userbasedbalancechecking.rules.PendingTransactionAppropriationBalanceCheckWarning will be issued if Appropriation account balance is negative when posting a pending transaction
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.module.userbasedbalancechecking.rules.PendingTransactionBudgetBalanceCheckWarning will be issued if Budget account balance is negative when posting a pending transaction
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.module.userbasedbalancechecking.rules.POAppropriationBalanceCheckWarningExcludePreEncumbranceWarning will be issued if appropriation account unencumbered balance is negative when posting a purchase order
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.module.userbasedbalancechecking.rules.POBudgetBalanceCheckWarningExcludePreEncumbranceWarning/Error: Negative budget unencumbered balance check - purchase order
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.module.userbasedbalancechecking.rules.PurchaseOrderAppropriationBalanceCheckWarningWarning will be issued if Negative appropriation balance when posting a purchase order
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.module.userbasedbalancechecking.rules.PurchaseOrderBudgetBalanceCheckWarningWarning will be issued if Negative budget balance when posting a purchase order
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.module.userbasedbalancechecking.rules.ReqAppropriationBalanceCheckWarningExcludePreEncumbranceWarning will be issued if Negative appropriation unencumbered balance when posting a requisition
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.module.userbasedbalancechecking.rules.ReqBudgetBalanceCheckWarningExcludePreEncumbranceWarning will be issued if Negative budget unencumbered balance when posting a requisition
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.module.userbasedbalancechecking.rules.RequisitionAppropriationBalanceCheckWarningWarning will be issued if Negative appropriation balance when posting a requisition
org.ssdt_ohio.usas.module.userbasedbalancechecking.rules.RequisitionBudgetBalanceCheckWarningWarning will be issued if Negative budget balance when posting a requisition

Custom Rules

Customized rules can also be written for each district, either by district personnel with the appropriate access to do so, or with help from their ITC or the SSDT.  A few examples of using customized business rules are custom validations, sending email or Twitter notifications, or even updating fields based on certain criteria.  These can also be used in conjunction with Custom Fields. 

A few things worth mentioning with regards to rules. 

  • You need to make sure the name of the rule is unique. 
  • You'll also want to validate the rule to make sure there are no errors. 
  • Finally, once you've successfully saved your rule, you need to make sure to click the Activate button from the rule grid for the rule to take effect.

The following are custom rules that can be created:

Require a deliver to address when creating a requisition 

Name: org.districtname.RequisitionDeliveryAddressRequired

Description: Prevent posting Requisition without a Delivery Address

package org.districtName.Requistion.DeliveryAddressRequired;
dialect  "mvel"

import function org.ssdt_ohio.modules.rules.RulesHelper.*
import org.ssdt_ohio.model.ModelInformation;
import org.ssdt_ohio.model.ModelState;
import org.ssdt_ohio.model.events.*;
import org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.requisition.Requisition;
import org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.vendor.Vendor;

rule "requisition delivery address is required" 

	    CreateObjectEvent() or UpdateObjectEvent()
    	ModelInformation(state != ModelState.IMPORTING, primary)
	    $requisition : Requisition(deliveryAddress.isEmpty())

    	error(kcontext, "Requisition cannot be saved without a delivery address")


Require a vendor when creating a requisition

Name: org.districtname.RequisitionVendorRequired

Description: Prevent posting Requisition without a Vendor

package org.districtName.Requisition.VendorRequired;
dialect  "mvel"

import function org.ssdt_ohio.modules.rules.RulesHelper.*
import org.ssdt_ohio.model.ModelInformation;
import org.ssdt_ohio.model.ModelState;
import org.ssdt_ohio.model.events.*;
import org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.requisition.Requisition;
import org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.vendor.Vendor;

rule "requisition vendor is required" 

	    CreateObjectEvent() or UpdateObjectEvent()
    	ModelInformation(state != ModelState.IMPORTING, primary)
	    $requisition : Requisition(getVendor() == null)

    	error(kcontext, "Requisition cannot be saved without a vendor")


Require that an account code be entered for each requisition line item when creating requisition

Name: org.districtname.RequisitionWithoutAccount 

Description: Prevent requisition from being created without account code 

package org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.requisition;
dialect "mvel"

import function org.ssdt_ohio.modules.rules.RulesHelper.*
import org.ssdt_ohio.model.events.*
import org.ssdt_ohio.model.ModelInformation
import org.ssdt_ohio.model.ModelState
import org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.requisition.*
import org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.accountChange.AccountChangeUpdateRules

rule "require accounts on requisitions"

		CreateObjectEvent() or UpdateObjectEvent()
		ModelInformation(state != ModelState.IMPORTING, primary)
		not AccountChangeUpdateRules()
		$req : Requisition()
		RequisitionCharge(account == null) from $req.charges

		error(kcontext, "Expenditure Account is required")


Prevent Requisition from being created when the attention to field is blank

Name: org.districtname.RequisitionWithoutAttentionTo 
Description: Prevent requisition from being created when attention to is blank

package org.districtName.RequisitionAttentionTo;
dialect  "mvel"

import function org.ssdt_ohio.modules.rules.RulesHelper.*
import org.ssdt_ohio.model.ModelInformation;
import org.ssdt_ohio.model.ModelState;
import org.ssdt_ohio.model.events.*;
import org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.requisition.Requisition;
import org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.vendor.Vendor;

rule "requisition vendor is required" 

    	CreateObjectEvent() or UpdateObjectEvent()
    	ModelInformation(state != ModelState.IMPORTING, primary)
   		$requisition : Requisition(attention == null)

    	error(kcontext, "Requisition must have valid attention field")


Prevent Requisition from being saved or updated when any of the item descriptions are null or are an empty string

Name: org.districtname.RequisitionItemsWithNoDescription

Description: Prevent requisition from being saved or updated when any of the item descriptions are null or are an empty string

package org.districtName.Requisition
dialect "mvel"

import function org.ssdt_ohio.modules.rules.RulesHelper.*
import org.ssdt_ohio.model.events.*
import org.ssdt_ohio.model.ModelInformation
import org.ssdt_ohio.model.ModelState
import org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.requisition.*

rule "Requisition Items Must Have A Description"

		$event : RepositoryModificationEvent(isCreate() || isUpdate())
		ModelInformation(state != ModelState.IMPORTING, primary)
		$requisition : Requisition() from $event.target
		$item : RequisitionItem(description == null || description.trim().length() == 0) from $requisition.getItems()

		error(kcontext, "Requitistion item number: " + $item.lineNumber + ", units: " + $item.units +
		", quantity: " + $item.quantity + ", unit price: " + $item.unitPrice +
		" has no description from requisition: " + $requisition.description)


Require an amount on a requisition line item.

Name: Requisition Items must have an Amount

Description: Prevent requisition from being saved or updated when any of the items are null or are empty

package org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.requisition;
dialect  "mvel"
//ssdt: mandatory=false, enabled=true, description=Error: requisition item amount must be specified
import function org.ssdt_ohio.modules.rules.RulesHelper.*
import org.ssdt_ohio.model.ModelInformation
import org.ssdt_ohio.model.ModelState
import org.ssdt_ohio.model.events.*
import org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.account.ExpenditureAccount
import org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.account.ExpenditureCode
rule "RequisitionItemAmounts"
        ModelInformation(state != ModelState.IMPORTING, primary)
        CreateObjectEvent() or UpdateObjectEvent()
        $requisition: Requisition()
        $item : RequisitionItem(amount == null || amount == 0) from $requisition.items
        error(kcontext, "Item amount required for item: " + $item.lineNumber)

Require an amount on a Receipt item

Name: org.districtname.ReceiptItemsWithoutAmount

Description: Prevent receipt from being saved or updated when a receipt item amount is empty

package org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.receipt;
dialect  "mvel"
//ssdt: mandatory=false, enabled=true, description=Error: receipt item amount must be specified

import function org.ssdt_ohio.modules.rules.RulesHelper.*
import org.ssdt_ohio.model.ModelInformation
import org.ssdt_ohio.model.ModelState
import org.ssdt_ohio.model.events.*
import org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.account.RevenueAccount
import org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.account.RevenueCode

rule "ReceiptItemAmounts"
        ModelInformation(state != ModelState.IMPORTING, primary)
        CreateObjectEvent() or UpdateObjectEvent()
        $receipt : Receipt()
        $item : ReceiptItem(amount == null || amount == 0) from $receipt.items

        error(kcontext, "Item amount required for item: " + $item.lineNumber)

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