SCM Module

SCM Module

The Student Claiming Module (SCM) can be used by any EMIS reporting entity as a means to claim students that will be enrolling at their district.   Districts wishing to claim a student for enrollment must have 4 required pieces of data; first name, last name, date of birth, gender and the district must indicate the school year the claimed enrollment is intended for.   In addition, the claiming entity will need one other piece of information about a student, either a prior district attended or the students state assigned ID, referred to as the SSID.   A district may also need to know a middle name or initial and they also may be required to enter prior teacher information pertaining to math and english language arts subjects.  The teacher data may be requested in the event multiple potential matches remain after having entered the 4 required and 1 additional data piece.  The teacher data is used as a means to insure the district can claim the correct student for enrollment into their district. 

In some cases, this application may not find a match with the data entered and a district is unable to claim a student.

Ideally the district initiating the claim should enter all the information they know about a student in the initial entry screen to allow the process to claim a student in the most effective manner.

Users wishing to use the SCM module, must be granted the proper OEDS roles. Information on the OEDS Roles may be found here.

Users may gain access to the SCM module within ODDEX by using the SCM link on the navigation bar or by clicking on one of the blue hyperlinks within the landing page.  See Landing Page for details on its use.

Students claimed in error can be voided by using the Cancel Claim option from the SCM navigation bar menu.

All attempts to claim a student are recorded in detail and sent to DEW for monitoring purposes.   District personnel that abort or cancel claims repeatedly will face consequences. 

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