For users with the appropriate OEDS access, there will be a Upload option from the CNDC drop down menu of the navigation bar.
This option of Child Nutrition and Direct Certification is provided for both non-public and traditional districts.
Districts must choose the school year they are uploading data for at the navigation bar. The school year selected must match the school year in the file used for the upload.
Upon initial entry to the screen the user will have to read the information, check the I agree checkbox and then click on the Confirm button.
Once the user has agreed and confirmed an upload form will display.
The upload file needs to be in a CSV (Comma Separated Value) format. The column names within the file need to match the column names listed below and must not include any spaces or tabs. The column data can be in any order. Please see the list below of which columns are optional for creating and updating records. Also, please see the list of valid date formats to be used for date values within the upload file.
After the file has been uploaded and processed a message will appear below the upload form indicating how many records were created and/or updated from the upload file along with the total number of records within the upload file. If any errors have occurred during processing a list of those errors will display below the file upload message. The error message will give the file record line number (line number one is for the heading which can also have errors). The file errors can be exported to a file so that information can be shared with whomever provided the upload file for error correction. File records may contain multiple errors. The upload process will attempt to validate as much of the record as possible before rejecting it for containing errors. The error message will try to give detailed information as to why the error occurred and may also give a possible solution as how to correct it. An upload file may be corrected and uploaded multiple times. Any records that did not change will not be affected. Any record uploaded that did not change will display in the file errors to let the user know that the data provided within the upload file did not change the existing student data.
- 1 Non-Public Districts - Includes all National School Lunch Program participants that do not report their student enrollment data into EMIS
- 2 Public Districts and Schools
- 3 Cell Formatting
- 3.1 Date Fields
- 3.2 Phone Number
- 4 Upload Examples for Non-Public Districts
- 5 Upload Examples for Public Districts and Schools
Non-Public Districts - Includes all National School Lunch Program participants that do not report their student enrollment data into EMIS
Non-public districts can use this functionality to add student enrollments or to update enrollments previously added. The non-public should reference the table below to determine what elements are required to be included in the CSV and what are optional. The Elements with "RA" in column #2 are required for an add, all others are optional. When updating already added records, districts should reference column #3 below. The elements with "RU" in this column are required, all others are optional.
The district must create a comma separated value file (CSV) utilizing the headers of the elements they wish to add or update.
Column Header | Adding Non-public Student Enrollments RA = Element is required for add A = Element is optional for add | Updating Non-public Student Enrollments RU = Element is required for updates U = Element is optional for Update | Description |
year | RA | RU | Four digit year (2023) |
irn | RA | RU | Information Retrieval Number assigned to district by DEW. Length of six characters with leading zero, if applicable (000111) |
ssid |
| State assigned student ID. Does not apply to students attending a non-public. |
localid | RA | RU | Typical student identifier assigned by the district. Up to 9 characters long. Must be unique for each student. |
firstname | RA | U | First name of student |
middleinitial | A | U | Middle initial of student |
lastname | RA | U | Last name of student |
birthdate | RA | U | Birth date of student (see date format below) |
childgender | RA | U | Gender of student. Valid values are: M, F, U |
parentfirst | A | U | Parent/Guardian first name |
parentmiddleinitial | A | U | Parent/Guardian middle initial |
parentlast | A | U | Parent/Guardian last name |
address1 | A | U | Home address, line 1 |
address2 | A | U | Home address, line 2 |
city | A | U | Home city |
state | A | U | Home state |
zip | A | U | Home zip code |
county | A | U | Student county code (35, 01, etc.) |
phonenumber | A | U | Primary contact phone number for the Parent/Guardian |
attendingirn | RA | RU | Information Retrieval Number assigned to district or building by DEW. Length of six characters with leading zero, if applicable (000078). |
grade | A | U | Student grade code (KG, 01, etc.) |
migrant | A | U | Indicator if student is migrant. Valid values are: Y, N |
startdate | A | U | Student enrollment start date (see date format below) |
stopdate | A | U | Student enrollment stop date (see date format below) |
admissiondate | A | U | Student admission date (see date format below) |
homeless | A | U | Student homeless status indicator code (EMIS code FD150) |
Public Districts and Schools
Traditional districts can only update non-EMIS reporting fields on their enrolled students. The elements with "RU" in column #2 below are required for matching purposed, all elements that can be updated have "U" in column #2 below. The elements blank in Column #2, can not be updated from within this option of the Child Nutrition module.
A traditional district can add or update student enrollments for kids attending a non-public if these students are part of their Federal Child Nutrition reporting requirements. For these students, the traditional district can utilize all fields as marked in column 3 below. The elements with "RA" are required for an add. All other elements are optional. When updating already added records for these non-public students, districts should reference column #4 below. The elements with "RU" in this column are required for matching purposes, all others are optional.
A traditional district can not add new enrollment records for students attending a attending/building IRN within their district. For a traditional district student all adds and modifications to students enrolled in their own buildings need to be managed with the SIS and reported thru the SCR collection request.
A traditional district can not add new enrollment records for students with an attending IRN not within their district.
In cases where a Public District or School needs to add or update students from a Non-Public they support for Child Nutrition Benefits, the attending/building IRN must be that of a Non-Public entity.
There could be special student enrollment situations were an Education Service Center (ESC) operates a K-12 program. The ESC only reports pre-school enrollment through EMIS and will need to conduct an upload of student data for the K-12 students. If a district has this situation, the attendingirn should be populated with '555555' rather than a DEW assigned IRN.
Column Header | Updating Traditional Student Enrollment R = Element is required for update U = Element is optional for update | Adding Non-public Student Enrollments RA = Element is required for add A = Element is optional for add | Updating Non-public Student Enrollments RU = Element is required for updates U = Element is optional for Update | Description |
year | RU | RA | RU | Four digit year (2023) |
irn | RU | RA | RU | Information Retrieval Number assigned to district by DEW. Length of six characters with leading zero, if applicable (000111) |
ssid | RU |
| State assigned student ID. Does not apply to students attending a non-public. Must be 9 characters with 2 alphabetic characters followed by 7 numeric digits. |
localid | U | RA | RU | Typical student identifier assigned by the district. Up to 9 characters long. |
firstname |
| RA | U | First name of student |
middleinitial |
| A | U | Middle initial of student |
lastname |
| RA | U | Last name of student |
birthdate |
| RA | U | Birth date of student (see date format below) |
childgender |
| RA | U | Gender of student. Valid values are: M, F, U |
parentfirst | U | A | U | Parent/Guardian first name |
parentmiddleinitial | U | A | U | Parent/Guardian middle initial |
parentlast | U | A | U | Parent/Guardian last name |
address1 | U | A | U | Home address, line 1 |
address2 | U | A | U | Home address, line 2 |
city | U | A | U | Home city |
state | U | A | U | Home state |
zip | U | A | U | Home zip code |
county | U | A | U | Student county code (35, 01, etc.) |
phonenumber | U | A | U | Primary contact phone number for the Parent/Guardian |
attendingirn | RU | RA | RU | Information Retrieval Number assigned to district or building by DEW. Length of six characters with leading zero, if applicable (000078). See notes above regarding the attendingirn and what should be populated. |
grade |
| A | U | Student grade code (KG, 01, etc.) |
migrant |
| A | U | Indicator if student is migrant. Valid values are: Y, N |
startdate |
| A | U | Student enrollment start date (see date format below) |
stopdate |
| A | U | Student enrollment stop date (see date format below) |
admissiondate |
| A | U | Student admission date (see date format below) |
homeless |
| A | U | Student homeless status indicator code (EMIS code FD150) |
Cell Formatting
This section describes valid formats for the different cell value types
Date Fields
mm/dd/yyyy (09/01/1999)
mm/dd/yy (09/01/99)
yyyy/mm/dd (1999/09/01)
yyyy-mm-dd (1999-09-01)
mm-dd-yyyy (09-01-1999)
Phone Number
123456789, no formatting
Upload Examples for Non-Public Districts
Adding a non-public student to the CNDC data.
The year, irn,localid, firstname,lastname,birthdate. gender,attendingirn are all required to add records. The irn must be the IRN of the district completing the Upload. The attendingirn included, must be the IRN of a non-public entity.
year, irn, localid,firstname, lastname, birthdate, childgender, parentfirst,parentlast,attendingirn, grade,startdate,stopdate 2024,813059,000025001,Paul, Atlas, 2005-10-31, M,George,Atlas ,813059,12,10-23-2023,10-20-2024 |
Update multiple elements. In this example, updating the guardian information.
The year, irn, localid and attendingirn are required for an update.
year,irn,localid,parentfirst,parentlast,attendingirn 2024,625123,00003344,Sally,Jones,964441 2024,625123,00003345,Suzie,Queue,964441 2024,625123,00003348,Mickey,Mouse,964441 |
Update of a single element. In this example, updating a phone number.
The year, irn, localid and attendingirn are required for an update.
year,irn,localid,phonenumber,attendingirn 2024,625122,0012345,2222223344,964441 2024,625122,0012346,2223334444,964441 |
Upload Examples for Public Districts and Schools
Update of a single element. In this example, updating a phone number.
The year, irn, ssid and attendingirn are required for an update.
year,irn,ssid,phonenumber,attendingirn 2024,625122,FP5480803,2222223344,964442 2024,625122,XY2233445,2223334444,964442 |
Update a single element. In this example, updating a local ID.
The year, irn, ssid and attendingirn are required for an update.
year,irn,ssid,localid,attendingirn 2024,625122,ST1234567,00003344,964442 2024,625122,RX1234567,00003345,964442 2024,625122,CS1234567,00003348,964442 |
For EMIS reporting entities, a means to populate the Local ID is to leverage the data as found in the Data Collector.
In the data collector, from the 1TRD,2TRD, 3TRD, AODE, or BODE submission preview, open the FS data report in the CSV format using a spreadsheet application, remove all the columns except the District IRN, ssid (State Student ID), attendingIRN (Building IRN), and EMIS Student ID Number. Change the column headers to match what is required for the CNDC import (see above example). Then save the spreadsheet to a CSV file. Be sure to preserve the leading zeroes. Then run the upload from within the CNDC module using this newly created CSV file.
Update multiple elements. In this example, updating a local ID and guardian information.
The year, irn, ssid and attendingirn are required for an update.
year,irn,ssid,localid,parentfirst,parentlast,attendingirn 2024,625122,ST1234567,00003344,Sally,Jones,964442 2024,625122,RX1234567,00003345,Suzie,Queue,964442 2024,625122,CS1234567,00003348,Mickey,Mouse,964442 |
Adding a non-public student to the CNDC data at a public district. This could be used if the Public entity sponsors the meals for the Non-public.
The year, irn,localid, firstname,lastname,birthdate. gender,attendingirn are all required. The irn must be the IRN of the district completing the Upload. The attendingirn included, must be the IRN of a non-public entity.
year, irn, localid,firstname, lastname, birthdate, childgender, parentfirst,parentlast,attendingirn, grade,startdate,stopdate 2024,813059,000025001,Paul, Atlas, 2005-10-31, M,George,Atlas ,813059,12,10-23-2023,10-20-2024 |