USAS-R v7.37.0-6 Release Notes

USAS-R v7.37.0-6 Release Notes


Mar 13, 2020 


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Build Date

Mar 12, 2020  15:29:44


This release contains bug fixes and report improvements as detailed in the release notes below.

Important Highlights

Please keep in mind these release notes only reflect the changes included in this release.  There are many other features of the software that were previously released that will not be reflected in these release notes.  General information about all of the features available in USAS-R can be found in our USAS-R Documentation.  There is a section in the documentation that also details the significant changes between USAS-R and classic USAS. 

  1. Performance improvements were made to the promotion of Budget Scenarios to Proposed Amounts.

  2. Corrected the Revised Budget field on the GAAP extract to be the FYTD Expendable amount.

  3. Added the reference number to transactions on the Transfer Advance Activity report.

  4. Added two new template reports to assist with encumbrance balancing post import, prior to going live on Redesign.

    1. Post Import Closed Purchase Orders with Remaining Balance: Produces a report of purchase orders that are not invoiceable but have a remaining balance. This could be caused by partial invoices dated after full invoices.

    2. Post Import Outstanding Purchase Orders with Zero Balance: Produces a report of purchase orders that are Invoiceable but do not have a remaining balance.

  5. Removed the audit report from the CYE report bundle.  This report can easily become invalid with the ability to reopen posting periods and make changes.  An audit report for the entire year is rarely useful and can be run if needed.  This will also speed up the time it takes to generate the bundle.

Reported Performance Problems

We are working to improve performance in the following areas as reported through feedback.

  1. Districts with a large number of accounts experiencing slowness USASR-3935: Improve Financial Detail report performance for large districts Resolved

  2. Improve the performance of the Appropriation Resolution report generation USASR-3889: Improve performance of Appropriation Resolution reportResolved

  3. The report button on the Activity Ledger grid does not produce the report generation popup as quickly as other grids USASR-3961: Improve performance of Activity Ledger grid reportOpen

  4. Improve the time it takes to generate the Revenues and Expenditures report USASR-4067: Revenues and Expenditures report performance problemResolved

  5. Budget Summary report generation performance needs to be improved USASR-4079: Improve performance of the Budget Summary reportResolved

  6. Financial Detail July 1 Cash Balance report generation performance needs to be improved USASR-4080: Improve performance of the Financial Detail July 1 Cash Balances reportResolved

Upcoming Features

  1. Due to the rules in place for posting periods we will not be releasing a mass change definition to update the received date on invoices.  However, we will be writing a patch to get them updated.

Issues included on this release

key summary type status resolution