USAS-R v7.27.0-6 Release Notes
Date | October 30, 2019 |
Issues | Getting issues... |
Build Date | Oct 28, 2019 15:14:09 |
This release contains bug fixes, exciting new features and various report and performance improvements as detailed in the release notes below.
Important Highlights
Please keep in mind these release notes only reflect the changes included in this release. There are many other features of the software that were previously released that will not be reflected in these release notes. General information about all of the features available in USAS-R can be found in our USAS-R Documentation. There is a section in the documentation that also details the significant changes between USAS-R and classic USAS.
Modified the grid's MORE button to refresh the grid when the user closes the popup, not each time a field is added or removed. Note: when the popup closes the screen refreshes with the user's desired changes and anything entered into the filter value is lost.
Reverted previous change to remove user parameter from the Outstanding PO Detail report.
Corrected AP Invoice to populate the item amount with the remaining invoiceable if the user chooses the FULL status.
The problems related to preencumbrances, carryover encumbrances and expendable amounts with Account Change have been corrected.
Initial amounts on Cash and Appropriation accounts have been corrected. Previously if districts posted temporary and permanent budgets the initial amounts were reflecting both amounts, not just the permanent amount.
The ability to create a Report Bundle is now available in USAS under the Report menu option! Report bundles can be created to generate multiple reports at one time based on either an event in the application or a scheduled point in time via the cron expression generator.
The Revenues and Expenditures report has been updated to properly collapse cash accounts. Cash accounts with SCC's 0001-8999 will now collapse to the 0000 SCC like the Classic report did.
Updated the way the repay accounts display for Advance repays.
Important Note: The "Repaying or Backing Out of an Advance in the Current Fiscal Year" procedure detailed in the USAS Useful Procedures documentation states the following:
This is what the advance repay option in the redesign is effectively doing for advances repaid in the current fiscal year. The AOS Blue Book specifies account codes to be used when processing advances and repays, but does not specify different accounts for repaying in the current or subsequent fiscal years. We are working to get a definitive answer from the Auditor of States office with regard to the accounts that should be used. Classic allows you to use the either the original advance in/out accounts (7410, 920/921 & 5210 ), effectively backing out the advance, or the repay accounts listed in the Blue Book (7420/922, 5220) when repaying advances. We want to make sure this is implemented properly so as soon as we receive confirmation we will implement any necessary changes and let you know.
Reported Performance Problems
We are working to improve performance in the following areas as reported through feedback.
Districts with a large number of accounts experiencing slowness USASR-3935: Improve Financial Detail report performance for large districts Resolved
Improve the performance of the Appropriation Resolution report generation USASR-3889: Improve performance of Appropriation Resolution reportResolved
The report button on the Activity Ledger grid does not produce the report generation popup as quickly as other grids USASR-3961: Improve performance of Activity Ledger grid reportOpen
Known Limitations
AP Invoices
USASR-3837: AP Invoice on each line item show amount, remaining invoicable and filled Resolved
USASR-3912: User wants to see all po items when creating a new invoiceResolved
USASR-3807: Add po entry and create button to new AP Invoice viewResolved
Upcoming Features
Schedule-able report process to replace Classic's MonthlyCD program.