USAS-R v7.18.0-6 Release Notes

USAS-R v7.18.0-6 Release Notes


March 24, 2019


Getting issues...

Build Date

2019-03-24 14:54:53


This release contains bug fixes, exciting new features, various report improvements and patches as detailed in the full release notes below.

Important Highlights

  1. The ability to "Show Report Options" has been added to the report generation popup.  When the user selects the checkbox a report options page will print before the report that will include all parameters selected by the user.  This is similar to the report options page generated with the Classic reports.

  2. A new version of the Financial Detail report has been made available that will include July 1 cash balances for each cash account included on the report.  The ending balance will be for the posting period associated with the ending date the user selects to run the report for.  If the end date is left blank the report will include detail through the current system date, but the ending balances will be based on the current period.

  3. A rule has been created to warn the user that the invoice amount exceeds the remaining encumbrance.  This rule is optional and disabled by default.  This rule will only be seen if it's enabled and the user Validates the invoice.

  4. The 4.500 total line has been updated to include the 4.010 line on the Spending Plan Summary.

  5. The import process has been updated to cope with multiple full invoice items per purchase order charge.  Classic allowed more than one full invoice item per po charge and the Redesign does not.  The last invoice item for that po charge based on invoice date will be full, all others will be modified to be a status of partial.

  6. Repay advance transactions have been updated to use the proper accounts as specified by AOS.  The 7420/922 function/object and 5220 receipt codes are to be used when repaying an advance in the current or next fy.  Previously the Redesign was using the 7410/921 and 5210 accounts which are to be used for the advance.  

  7. A notice was added to Legacy Requisitions to explain that it will be removed June 30th.

  8. The ability to create a direct downloadable link for a report has been added to the software.  Users are now able to download a report directly using a hyperlink without using the user interface.

Please keep in mind these release notes only reflect the changes included in this release.  There are many other features of the software that were previously released that will not be reflected in these release notes.  General information about all of the features available in USAS-R can be found in our USAS-R Documentation.  There is a section in the documentation that also details the significant changes between USAS-R and classic USAS. 

Reported Performance Problems

We are working to improve performance in the following areas as reported through feedback.

  1. Purchase Order item entry USASR-3508: Convert PO Item table to gridResolved

  2. Loading report definitions USASR-3128: Improve performance of loading report definitionsResolved

Known Limitations

  1. Auto assign preferences for requisitions.   USASR-352: Implement auto-assign preferences for requisitionsResolved

  2. The Expense/Receipt worksheets, while they provide 3 years of history, those amounts are not currently being subtotaled by control breaks.  We've created Jira issue https://mcoecn.atlassian.net/browse/USASR-3275 to allow those amounts to be subtotaled.  This issue will also allow the data to display in separate columns if included on the budgeting spreadsheets via the Budget Scenarios.

  3. The SSDT Revenue and Expenditures by Cash Account and by Fund reports have a grand total that sums the Revenue and Expenditure amounts, which is not accurate for this report.  The Classic FNDREVEX shows a difference (Revenue - Expendituers).   These reports cannot include a difference as template reports.  We will need to create a canned report in order to "correct" the grand totals and include the difference. USASR-3693 - Correct totals on both SSDT Revenue and Expenditure reports (FNDREVEX) NEW

Upcoming Features

  1. The State Treasurer's Online Checkbook extract will be available soon.  It was intended for the 7.18.0 release but was held up due to problems found during testing.  Users will be able to generate the extract and upload it manually to the Ohio's Online Checkbook site.

  2. Schedulable report process to replace Classic's MonthlyCD program

  3. Continued performance improvements

Issues included on this release

key summary type status resolution

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