OEDS Roles for ODDEX Access

OEDS Roles for ODDEX Access

Ohio District Data Exchange (ODDEX) is the primary application for a number of modules districts will use for data verifications and exchanges.

Access to the application and data is restricted to authorized district and ITC personnel as well as DEW staff.  Access is granted through OEDS roles either:

The Ohio Educational Directory System (OEDS) is a decentralized directory data system managed by the Ohio Department of Education in which organizations maintain their own data.

ODDEX Modules

  • CCP - (College Credit Plus)  The College Credit Plus (CCP) application is to be used by all EMIS reporting entities and Higher Education Institutions (HEI) as a means to verify College Credit Plus enrollment, as well as the credit hour rate charged for those courses, for payment to Higher Education Institutions.

  • Records  - (Single Records/Bulk Export/Work Based Learning Tax Credit Documentation/Work Based Learning Documentation Review) The Records application is a tool districts may use to see a students past enrollments, assessments, graduation cohort, special education events and to create and review Work Based Learning Documentation.  

  • SCM - (Student Claiming Module)

  • SCR - (Student Cross Reference)  The Student Cross Reference (SCR) application is to be used by all EMIS reporting entities as a means to verify enrollment for funding.

  • SOES - (School Options Enrollment System)  The SOES application is used by community schools, STEM schools and resident districts for determination of student enrollment and residency. This system allows resident districts to review the residency of students being reported by community and STEM schools and determine whether the student is truly a resident of their district and approve or set contention flags.

  • Setup - (User/Agency)   The Setup option includes options for general configuration within the ODDEX application. 

  • Tuition - The Tuition application is to be used by EMIS reporting entities as a means to verify tuition information/payments. 

  • Grad - Progress Towards Graduation, Early Warning System

  • CNDC - Child Nutrition Direct Certification

Access to ODDEX is granted through a combination of an OH|ID account and having assigned OEDS roles.   The first step is to establish an OH|ID account from the Ohio Department of Education's web page.   After an OH|ID account is active the roles listed in the tables below can be assigned by a district's OEDS Administrator.  Some of the roles included in these tables will not be available for assignment based on the entity type.  When assigning roles to a staff member, the OEDS administrator is likely to assign 1 OEDS Role for each ODDEX Module.   There are situations where more than one may be needed.  Some staff will have default access, such as Superintendent or EMIS Coordinator and may not need another role assigned to them.   As roles are assigned, be certain to assign the role for the desired level of data management needed by the individual.

Once assigned, the individual will log into their OH|ID account.   When one does so, a tile for the ODDEX application should be visible.   If it is not, the OEDS administrator may need to make further adjustments to the roles.  If the ODDEX tile still is not visible, one should contact the OH|ID help desk.   Clicking on the ODDEX tile will connect the user to the application.   Once connected to ODDEX, if a person does not have access to the expected modules, one should contact their OEDS administrator.

If a staff member is no longer employed at a district, the assigned OEDS Roles that allow ODDEX access, should be revoked by the district's OEDS administrator.  Once revoked the individual no longer has access to the any ODDEX data associated with that IRN.   If a staff members is leaving one district's employment and going to another, the district they are leaving still must revoke any assigned OEDS roles for their IRN. 

Roles By Module

SOES: Community School Enrollments

SOES is used by resident districts to review the enrollment of community school students. Resident districts can view their students at a community school, and then if roles allow it, approve, review (flag), comment, or escalate a student indicating that additional documentation or other information may be needed.  Community schools use this module to evaluate actions the resident district has taken on the students they are educating.  SOES Module Documentation

These roles have access to all functions within the module



These roles can only view, export and comment within the module


These roles can only view and export within the module

Data View-SOES




SDC-Student Level Access (ITC only)

Site Manager (ITC only)

SOES: Community School Calendars

The calendar option within SOES is used by community school sponsors to review (flag) district calendars. Sponsors can view calendars and approve or reject them.   Community school staff can see the status of their calendars from this option.  SOES Community School Calendar Documentation

These roles have access to all functions within the module

Superintendent - applies only to community school sponsor IRNs

Calendar Approver-SOES


These roles can only view information within the module




Data View-SOES



SDC-Student Level Access (ITC only)

Site Manager (ITC only)

SCR: Student Cross Reference

SCR is used by all EMIS reporting entities as a means to report enrollments for every student.   Cross checking is ran against the data to identify conflicts on enrollments.  Users with access to this module can see those conflicts and comment.  SCR Module Documentation

These roles have access to all functions within the module



These roles can only view and export within the module

Data View-SCR




Site Manager (ITC only)

SDC-Student Level Access (ITC only)

SCM: Student Claiming Module

Student claiming will be used by districts to allow early access of student records.

These roles have access to all functions within the module


Enrollment Staff-SCM

These roles are granted special access to allow cancel of a claim initiated by others.  No other update functions




These roles can only view within the module




Data View-SCM 

Site Manager (ITC only)

SDC-Student Level Access (ITC only)

Tuition: Student Enrollments

Tuition is used by paying districts to review the enrollment of students in the Tuition programs.  Paying districts can view their students as reported by an educating district, and then if roles allow it, approve, review (flag), comment, or escalate a student indicating that additional documentation or other information may be needed.  Traditional districts use this module to evaluate actions the educating district has taken on the students they have tuition payment responsibility for.  Educating districts report the students who are included in the Tuition programs, provide contact data and other documentation as needed to the paying school.  Tuition Module Documentation

These roles have access to all functions within the module



Assistant Treasurer


This role can view, export and comment within the module


These roles can only view and export within the module

Data View-Tuition

Business Manager




SDC-Student Level Access (ITC only)

Site Manager (ITC only)

CCP: Student Enrollments and Agreements

College credit plus is used by districts to review the enrollment of students in CCP courses as reported by a Higher Education Institution (HEI) or to review the agreements for such courses.  Districts can view their students as participating in a course offered by that institution and if roles allow it, approve, review (flag), comment, or escalate a student.    Districts can view these agreements and determine if the cost per credit hours is correct based on their records.   If the roles allow it, the district can approve, review (flag) or comment on their agreements.  The Higher Ed agencies have access to both the Enrollments and Agreements to view what the LEAs have completed on their students.   The HEI has only the ability to comment.  CCP Module Documentation

These roles have access to all functions within the module (LEA only)






These roles can only view, export and comment within the module  Note: only role available to HEI

Commenter-CCP (both LEA and HEIs)

These roles can only view and export within the module

Data View-CCP

Site Manager (ITC only)

SDC-Student Level Access (ITC only)

Records: Single Student/History Tab

Staff with access to this module can view enrollment history through the date their district withdrew the student and one enrollment past the withdraw date.  This is for any student their district has reported, past or present.  History Tab Documentation

These roles can only view and export within the module





Data View-SCR



Site Manager (ITC only)

SDC-Student Level Access (ITC only)

Director-Special Education-General

Coordinator-Career-technical Education-Special Needs

Assistant Superintendent-Special Education-Career-technical Education

Supervisor-Special Education-Career-technical Education

Supervisor-Special Education-General

Coordinator-Special Education-General

Special Education Contact

Data View-ODDEX History FA

Data View-ODDEX History GE

Data View-ODDEX Records GRAD

Data View-PTG

Data Manager-PTG

Data View-SCM

Enrollment Staff SCM

Data Manager-RC

Records: Single Student/Assessments Tab

Staff with access to this module can view assessment history through the date their district withdrew the student and extract those test records including the scores.  This is for any student their district has reported, past or present.  Assessments Tab Documentation

These roles can only view and export within the module





Data View-ODDEX History FA

Site Manager (ITC only)

SDC-Student Level Access (ITC only)

Records: Single Student/Grad Cohort Tab

Staff with access to this module can view data related to a student's grad cohort through the date their district withdrew the student.  This is for any student their district has reported, past or present.  Grad Cohort Tab Documentation

These roles can only view and export within the module





Data View-ODDEX Records GRAD

Data View-PTG

Data Manager-PTG

Data Manager-RC

Site Manager (ITC only)

SDC-Student Level Access (ITC only)

Records: Single Student/Special Education Tab

Staff with access to this module can view data related to a student's special education events through the date their district withdrew the student .  This is for any student their district has reported, past or present.  Special Education Tab Documentation

These roles can only view and export within the module





Data View-ODDEX History GE

Director-Special Education-General

Coordinator-Career-technical Education-Special Needs

Assistant Superintendent-Special Education-Career-technical Education

Supervisor-Special Education-Career-technical Education

Supervisor-Special Education-General

Coordinator-Special Education-General

Special Education Contact

Site Manager (ITC only)

SDC-Student Level Access (ITC only)

Records: Bulk Export/Assessments Tab

Staff with access to this module can export assessment records, including scores, through the date their district withdrew the student . This is for any student their district has reported, past or present.  This export is only in an FA flat file format according to the EMIS Guide section 2.8.   Bulk Export Documentation

These roles can only view and export within the module





Data View-ODDEX History FA

Site Manager (ITC only)

SDC-Student Level Access (ITC only)

Records: Bulk Export/Special Education Tab

Staff with access to this module can export data related to a student's special education events through the date their district withdrew the student.  This is for any student their district has reported, past or present.  Bulk Export Documentation

These roles can only view and export within the module





Data View-ODDEX History GE

Director-Special Education-General

Coordinator-Career-technical Education-Special Needs

Assistant Superintendent-Special Education-Career-technical Education

Supervisor-Special Education-Career-technical Education

Supervisor-Special Education-General

Coordinator-Special Education-General

Special Education Contact

Site Manager (ITC only)

SDC-Student Level Access (ITC only)

Records: Work Based Learning Tax Credit Documentation

Staff with access to this module can create the Work Based Learning Tax Credit Documentation.

These roles can update within the module option





Verifier-ODDEX WBL

Records: Work Based Learning Documentation Review

Staff with access to this module option can review the Work Based Learning Tax Credit Documentation.

These roles can view within the module option





Verifier-ODDEX WBL


Site Manager (ITC Only)

SDC-Student Level Access (ITC Only)

Grad: Progress Reports Individual Student

These roles may view and export within the module option





Data View-PTG

Data Manager-PTG

Data View-ODDEX Records Grad

Data Manager-RC

Site Manager (ITC Only)

SDC-Student Level Access (ITC Only)

Grad: Progress Reports Student Groups

These roles may view and export within the module option





Data View-PTG

Data View-ODDEX Records Grad

Data Manager-RC

Site Manager (ITC Only)

SDC-Student Level Access (ITC Only)

Grad: Grad Program Code Info

These roles may view and export within the module option





Data View-PTG

Data View-ODDEX Records Grad

Data Manager-RC

Site Manager (ITC Only)

SDC-Student Level Access (ITC Only)

Grad: Early Warning System

These roles have access to all function within the module option

Data Manager-PTG

These roles may view and export within the module option


Data View-PTG

Data View-ODDEX Records Grad

Data Manager-RC

Site Manager (ITC Only)

SDC-Student Level Access (ITC Only)

CNDC: Child Nutrition Direct Certification

All districts participating in the National School Lunch Program would use this module to complete Direct Certifications for their enrolled students.   CNDC Documentation

These roles have access to all functions with the module


These roles can only view and export

Data View-CNDC

Setup: User

The User module is utilized to maintain data about district users.   User Documentation

These roles have access to all functions within the module for any user assigned to their district IRN

Application Manager-ODDEX

Every user with any ODDEX role has access to all functions within the module for their own User record only.

No specific role assignment is needed

Every user with any ODDEX role has access to view other users within their own IRN

No specific role assignment is needed

Setup: Agency

The Agency module is utilized to maintain data about a district or agency.  Agency Documentation

These roles have access to all functions within the module


Application Manager-ODDEX

Commenter-CCP (HEI only)

Every user with any ODDEX role has access to view any agency

No specific role assignment is needed

Roles to Module Cross Reference 

When granted an OEDS role from the first column, a user gets access as described in the listed modules found in the last column.   A user can be assigned more than one role if needed.  

All Roles

Any user in ODDEX has full access to their own User information and view abilities for others within IRN

Setup: User

All Roles

Any user in ODDEX with access to SOES, SCR, Tuition, Records, CCP and SCM has view access to all agencies

Setup: Agency

Application Manager-ODDEX

This role has access to all functions within the modules

Setup: User

Setup: Agency

Calendar Approver-SOES

This role has access to all functions within this module

SOES: Community School Calendars

Commenter-CCP   (HEIs only)

This role can only view, export and comment within the modules

CCP: Enrollments

CCP: Agreements


This role can view, export and comment within this module



This role can only view, export and comment within the module

SOES: Community School Enrollments


This role can only view, export and comment within the module

Tuition: Student Enrollments




These roles can only view or export within the modules

SOES: Community School Enrollments

SOES: Community School Calendars


Tuition: Student Enrollments

Records; Single Student/ History Tab

Records: Single Student/Assessments Tab

Records: Single Student/Grad Cohort Tab

Records: Single Student/Special Education Tab

Records: Bulk Export/Assessments Tab

Records: Bulk Export/Special Education Tab

Records: Work Based Learning Tax Credit Documentation

Records: Work Based Learning Documentation Review

Grad: Progress Reports Individual Student

Grad: Progress Reports Student Groups

Grad: Grad Program Code Info

Setup: User

Setup: Agency




These roles have access to all functions within the modules

CCP: Enrollments

CCP: Agreements




These roles have limited access to functions within the module.  Ability to cancel claim initiated by another and view.


Data Manager-PTG

This role can view, export and update within the module

Grad: Early Warning System/Students/Configuration

Records: Single Student/Grad Cohort Tab

Data View-CNDC

This role can only view or export withinthe module

CNDC: Students

Data View-CCP (LEAs only)

This role can only view or export within the modules

CCP: Enrollments

CCP: Agreements

Data View-ODDEX History FA

This role can only view or export within the modules

Records: Single Student/Assessments Tab

Records: Bulk Export/Assessments Tab

Records: Single Student/History Tab

Data View-ODDEX History GE

This role can only view or export within the modules

Records: Single Student/Special Education Tab

Records: Bulk Export/Special Education Tab

Records: Single Student/History Tab

Data View-ODDEX Records GRAD

This role can only view or export within the modules

Records: Single Student/Grad Cohort Tab

Records: Single Student/History Tab

Grad: Progress Reports Individual Student

Grad: Progress Reports Student Groups

Grad: Grad Program Code Info

Grad: Early Warning System

Data View-PTG

This role may only view or export within the modules

Grad: Progress Reports Individual Student

Grad: Progress Reports Student Groups

Grad: Grad Program Code Info

Grad: Early Warning System

Data View-SCR

This role can only view or export within the modules


Records; Single Student/ History Tab

Data View-SCM

This role can only view or export within the module


Data View-SOES

This role can only view or export within the modules

SOES: Community School Enrollments

SOES: Community School Calendars

Data View-Tuition

This role can only view or export within the module

Tuition: Student Enrollments


This role can only view within the module option

Records: Work Based Learning Documentation Review

Enrollment Staff-SCM

This role has access to all functions within the module


Site Manager (ITC only)

SDC-Student Level Access (ITC only)

These roles can only view or export within these modules

SOES: Community School Enrollments

SOES: Community School Calendars



Tuition: Student Enrollments

CCP: Student Enrollments

CCP: Agreements

Records; Single Student/ History Tab

Records: Single Student/Assessments Tab

Records: Single Student/Grad Cohort Tab

Records: Single Student/Special Education Tab

Records: Bulk Export/Assessments Tab

Records: Bulk Export/Special Education Tab

Records: Work Based Learning Documentation Review

Grad: Progress Reports Individual Student

Grad: Progress Reports Student Groups

Grad: Grad Program Code Info

Grad: Early Warning System

Setup: User

Setup: Agency

Special Education Contact

Coordinator-Career-technical Education-Special Needs

Supervisor-Special Education-Career-technical Education

Supervisor-Special Education-General

Director-Special Education-General

Coordinator-Special Education-General

Assistant Superintendent-Special Education-Career-technical Education

These roles can only view or export within the modules

Records: Single Student/Special Education Tab

Records: Bulk Export/Special Education Tab

Records: Single Student/History Tab


This role can only view or export within these specific modules

SOES: Community School Calendars (Community School only)

Records; Single Student/ History Tab

Records: Single Student/Assessments Tab

Records: Single Student/Grad Cohort Tab

Grad: Progress Reports Individual Student

Grad: Progress Reports Student Groups

Grad: Grad Program Code Info

Grad: Early Warning System

Setup: User


This role has access to all function with these specific modules



SOES: Community School Calendars (Community School sponsor)

SOES: Community School Enrollments

Tuition: Student Enrollments

CCP: Student Enrollments

CCP: Agreements

Records: Work Based Learning Tax Credit Documentation

Records: Work Based Learning Documentation Review

Setup: Agency


Assistant Treasurer

These roles have access to all function within the module

Tuition: Student Enrollments

Business Manager

This role can only view or export within the module

Tuition: Student Enrollments


This role has access to all function with the module



This role has access to all functions within the modules

CCP: Enrollments

CCP: Agreements


This role has access to all functions within the modules

SOES: Community School Enrollments


This role has access to all functions within the modules

Tuition: Student Enrollments

Verifier-ODDEX WBL

This role has access to all functions with the module options

Records: Work Based Learning Tax Credit Documentation

Records: Work Based Learning Documentation Review


Roles Specific to DEW Personnel

Application Manager-CCP


Application Manager-SCR

Application Manager-SOES

Area Coordinator



Data View-CNDC

Data View-SCR

Data View-SOES

Data View-ODDEX History FA

Data View-ODDEX History GE

Data View-ODDEX Records GRAD


Data View-PTG


Data Manager-RC

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