USAS-R v7.16.0-5 Release Notes

USAS-R v7.16.0-5 Release Notes


February 17, 2019


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Build Date

2019-02-14 10:43:01


This release contains bug fixes, exciting new features, various report improvements and patches as detailed in the full release notes below.

Important Highlights

  1. Legacy views have been removed: Refund, Adds/Deducts and Show Sessions.

  2. Corrected problem with page break option that previously prevented template reports from generating.

  3. Improved the import process by removing the posting of encumbrance ledgers.  This should shorten the time it takes to import the data.  Encumbrance ledgers are posted during the post import process.

  4. Created the Appropriated Amounts by Cash Account report which includes the percent expended/encumbered.

  5. Created report to show budget modifications: SSDT Budget Transactions

  6. Removed legacy code for printing Requisitions, Purchase Orders, Receipts and Refunds and replaced with the ability to print as xDocReports.

  7. Implemented the ability to batch print pdf Receipts for HCC OnBase implementation.

  8. Corrected an error that prevented generating a report from the Payable grid.

  9. Improvements were made to the descriptions on the receipt template reports so it's clear to the user which transactions will be included.

  10. Created a new interface System/Configuration/Application Manager to provide a way of disabling 'external notification' on a test or support instance.  For example, a backup instance of a district's database running on a test instance for support purposes.  The database could contain scheduled jobs, like RAM for example.  In order to prevent external notifications from a test instance, you can modify the docker-compose.override.yml to set the following environment variable: APPLICATION_INSTANCE_TYPE=support.  You can also set this by modifying the Application Manager within the application.  Please be aware that the environment variable will be overridden by changes made via the Application Manager.  The instance type defaults to 'production' unless otherwise modified, either via the docker-compose.override.yml or via the Application Manager.

Please keep in mind these release notes only reflect the changes included in this release.  There are many other features of the software that were previously released that will not be reflected in these release notes.  General information about all of the features available in USAS-R can be found in our USAS-R Documentation.  There is a section in the documentation that also details the significant changes between USAS-R and classic USAS. 

Reported Performance Problems

We are working to improve performance in the following areas as reported through feedback.

  1. Disbursements

    1. Navigating from Payables to Disbursements

    2. Reconciling/Unreconciling USASR-3582: Investigate performance issues with reconciling disbursementsResolved

  2. Purchase Order item entry USASR-3508: Convert PO Item table to gridResolved

  3. Closing windows USASR-3272: Improve performance of window closeResolved

  4. Loading report definitions USASR-3128: Improve performance of loading report definitionsResolved

Known Limitations

  1. Auto assign preferences for requisitions.   USASR-352: Implement auto-assign preferences for requisitionsResolved

  2. The Expense/Receipt worksheets, while they provide 3 years of history, those amounts are not currently being subtotaled by control breaks.  We've created Jira issue USASR-3275: Update Budgeting worksheets to allow prior year transaction amounts to be totaledResolved to allow those amounts to be subtotaled.  This issue will also allow the data to display in separate columns if included on the budgeting spreadsheets via the Budget Scenarios.

Upcoming Features

  1. Schedulable report process to replace Classic's MonthlyCD program

  2. Continued performance improvements

  3. Import legacy monthly cd and fiscal cd archives

Issues included on this release

key summary type status resolution

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