2021-04-21 USPS-R New Issue Review and Prioritization

Prioritization Items to Discuss

  1. Pay Accounts in Attendance / Future / Current

    1. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

      1. Times requested of 6

    2. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

      1. Times requested of 17

    3. Items from the backlog were combined 

  2. SERS Per Pay Days and Hours calculations

    1. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

      1. This issue is to be closed

      2. A message will be added to the STRS Report documentation explaining the Days / Hours calculation (maybe the report as well)

      3. Two payroll enhancements will be done in it's place

        1. Add Save and Recall for Payroll Report

        2. Allow pay groups to be added to payroll with start / stop dates, similar to how pay group additions are handled

    2. SERS Report Requirements

      1. Contribution Cycle Code - created by the payroll schedule

      2. SSN and Employee Name

      3. Period Begin Date - beginning date of earnings

      4. Period End Date - ending date of earnings

      5. Earnings Codes

        1. 01 - Regular Contributions

        2. 02 - Supplemental

        3. 03 - Retro Pay

        4. 04 - Stretch Pay

        5. 05 - Grievance Pay

        6. 51 - Adjustment to Regular Pay

        7. 52 - Adjustment to Supplemental Pay

        8. 53 - Adjustment to Retro Pay

        9. 54 - Adjustment to Stretch Pay

        10. 55 - Adjustment to Grievance Pay

        11. 91 - Missed Regular Contribution

        12. 92 - Missed Supplemental Contribution

        13. 94 - Missed Stretch Pay Contribution

      6. Covered Compensation

      7. Contributions

      8. Days

      9. Hours

    3. How to report days and hours

      1. Report only days which have been paid in the pay cycle that is being reported

      2. Days worked in one pay cycle but paid in the following pay cycle should be reported on the next contribution report

      3. The days worked cannot exceed the number of days in the payroll schedule

      4. Report on hours that have been paid in the pay cycle that is being reported

      5. Hours worked one pay cycle but paid in the following pay cycle should be reported on the next contribution report

    4. Per SERS 

      Days / Hours worked MUST be reported in the pay period(SERS Pay Cycle) that days / hours are actually being worked (not the start / dates of the payroll). If some employees are paid on a pay lag, then there should be an SERS Pay Cycle setup to account for this pay period date range. The ability to post days / hours outside of the period begin / ending days is not valid for SERS Reporting. If districts find they are needing to change the day / hours with adjustments frequently, they should contact SERS, setup SERS Pay Cycles that will match the start / stop dates for these lag employees, then use the USPS Payroll Additions when processing a pay to bring these employees into payroll with the correct SERS Pay Cycle date ranges.

    5. STRS doesn't have the same reporting requirements and the classic feature could be implemented for STRS Reporting

      1. Since districts will be required to setup separate Pay Groups / Date Ranges for SERS requirements, does allowing this feature for STRS become unnecessary?

    6. Payroll Initialization should be enhanced to allow users to select pay groups and date ranges at the same time. Saving time from having to use the additions options (unless they prefer additions)

  3. Items from the floor?

    1. STRS Merge

      1. Implementation details to come in the next few sprints

    2. Compensations

      1. Changes to Pay Per Period and Unit Amount calculations discussed

      2. Attempting to get these changes done in the next few sprints

Feedback Issues Created 

Core Project Issues Created

Core Project Issues Completed

Feedback Issues Created 

Core Project Issues Created

Core Project Issues Completed

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Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

type key summary assignee reporter priority status resolution created updated due

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

type key summary assignee reporter priority status resolution created updated due

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Most Requested Feedback Issues

key summary type created priority status times requested

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Feedback Issues Created 

key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.