11-25-2020 SDT Meeting
Communication Efforts
Redesign Newsletter Article
Feature Article on W2 submission updates
Feature article on FCCRA
W2 Reports/Errors.. side blurb
Deceased employee.. side blurbDecember newsletter:
YTD taxable figures and non taxable figures
1099 NEC and self reporting
Suggestions for January and February newsletters?
Social Media
Facebook set up complete.. working on Twitter account next week with MCOECN
First messages (via Sprout Social) are going out next week on Facebook and Twitter
Best Practices/Tips, Tricks and Helpful Hints
As time permits, will work on USPS-R FAQs and connecting the dots scenarios discussed at prior meetings
Anything specific you would like to see added to documentation?
Public Reports Library (no new additions)
ITCs: posted additional Fridays with Fiscal sessions through December 2020
Next week, I’m meeting with my team to discuss FWF sessions for next year. Any requests?
No FWF sessions in January
February Sessions 12th and 19th
March Sessions (USPS 9-11th and USAS 16-18th Beginner Sessions)
April 9th and 16th
May 7th and 21st (FYE Review)
June 11th and 18th
July (Inventory Training)
Next SDRT Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 27th at 9:30.