Formatted Needed
Current Entity: Web-GAAP Training School District - 2006
Note: Before adding a new user, make sure they do not already have a Web-GAAP account. You can use the Find option to search for an existing user. Enter the first initial or the entire name and click Find.
Click Add User to add a new user to the Web-GAAP system. You will see the following screen:
You will need to enter information in the following required fields:
Here is an example of a successfully added user:
Once you've successfully added a new user to the system you will be returned to the Maintain Users and Access Control page displayed above. Locate the user you just added and click on Email Password. This will send a message to the user notifying them of their newly created account and their temporary password. It also tells them that they will need to change their password when they login to Web-GAAP the first time. A message will appear telling you "Username and password sent to User ID ###". The user can later edit their account and modify their profile.
Granting access to entities. This process has two separate tables. The first table allows you to grant access to an entities fiscal year for a particular user.
Entity & Fiscal Year - drop down of entities and their fiscal years assigned to your ITC
The second table is a listing of other entities fiscal years the user has access to.