- CategoryCodeImportImpl: error: Category Code Import Error - row 2: Index 1 out of bounds for length 1
- This error usually indicates the extract files does not contain any category code records. Please review their Classic EISMNT>CATSCN to confirm there are no item category codes on file. If that's the case, please ignore this error.
- If there are category codes in Classic (and on the extract file), on the inventory import results file, find the number of 'records loaded'. Review Next, review the migrated category codes via Core>Categories to confirm the same number were loaded and compare back to the Classic category codes (EISMNT>CATSCN) to confirm all category codes migrated.
- If you can confirm all Classic category codes migrated to Inventory, please ignore this error. The 'out of bounds' error may be due to a blank where the importer thinks there should have been a code.
- IF a category code did not import, please add it manually via Core>Category Codes.
Condition Codes (EIS_IRN#_LOCAT_EXP.TXT)
- DispositionCodeImportImpl: error: Disposition Code Import Error - row 2: Index 2 out of bounds for length 1
- This error may indicate the extract files does not contain any disposition code records. Please review their Classic EISMNT>DSPSCN to confirm there are no disposition codes on file. If that's the case, please ignore this error.
- If there are disposition codes in Classic (and on the extract file), on the inventory import results file, find the number of 'records loaded'. Then Next, review the migrated disposition codes via Core>Dispositions to confirm the same number were loaded and compare back to the Classic disposition codes (EISMNT>DSPSCN) to confirm all disposition codes migrated.
- If you can confirm all Classic disposition codes migrated to Inventory, please ignore this error. The 'out of bounds' error may be due to a blank where the importer thinks there should have been a code.
- If a disposition code did not import, please add it manually via Core>Disposition Codes.
Dispositions (EIS_IRN#_DISP_EXP.TXT)
- FunctionCodeImportImpl: error: Function Code Import Error - row xx: Index 3 out of bounds for length 1
- If there are function codes in Classic (and on the extract file), on the inventory import results file, find the number of 'records loaded'. Review Next, review the migrated disposition function codes via Core>Functions to confirm the same number were loaded and compare back to the Classic function codes (EISMNT>FNCSCN) to confirm all function codes migrated.
- If you can confirm all Classic function codes migrated to Inventory, please ignore this error. The 'out of bounds' error may be due to a blank where the importer thinks there should have been a code.
- If a function code did not import, please add it manually via Core>Functions.
- If there are function codes in Classic (and on the extract file), on the inventory import results file, find the number of 'records loaded'. Review Next, review the migrated disposition function codes via Core>Functions to confirm the same number were loaded and compare back to the Classic function codes (EISMNT>FNCSCN) to confirm all function codes migrated.
- FundImportImpl: error: Fund Import Error - row x: Index 3 out of bounds for length 1
- If there are fund codes in Classic (and on the extract file), on the inventory import results file, find the number of 'records loaded'. Review Next, review the migrated disposition fund codes via Core>Funds to confirm the same number were loaded and compare back to the Classic fund codes (EISMNT>FNDSCN) to confirm all fund codes migrated.
- If you can confirm all Classic fund codes migrated to Inventory, please ignore this error. The 'out of bounds' error may be due to a blank where the importer thinks there should have been a code.
- If a fund code did not import, please add it manually via Core>Funds
- If there are fund codes in Classic (and on the extract file), on the inventory import results file, find the number of 'records loaded'. Review Next, review the migrated disposition fund codes via Core>Funds to confirm the same number were loaded and compare back to the Classic fund codes (EISMNT>FNDSCN) to confirm all fund codes migrated.
- Duplicate location on file: This could be possible if the location category or location number includes a blank space. The one with the blank space will import first (the importer drops the space) thus resulting in the duplicate location to not import.
- Fix in Classic: If it is a true duplicate, the district can delete the duplicate location in EISMNT>LOCSCN.
- Duplicate location on file: This could be possible if the location category or location number includes a blank space. The one with the blank space will import first (the importer drops the space) thus resulting in the duplicate location to not import.
- LocationCodeImportImpl: error: Location Code Import Error - row 4: Index 2 out of bounds for length 2
- On the inventory import results file, please review how many location codes loaded. Review Next, review the location codes via Core>Locations to confirm the same number were loaded and compare back to the Classic location codes to confirm all location codes migrated.
- If you can confirm all Classic location codes migrated to Inventory, the 'out of bounds' error may be due to a blank where the importer thinks there should be a location code. If all location codes migrated, please ignore this error.
- If you have some location codes that did not import, you may enter them manually via Core>Location Codes. If you several, you may also create a spreadsheet and import them via System>Import's Location Code import type. Please refer to the Import documentation for further details as well as a template location code spreadsheet.
- On the inventory import results file, please review how many location codes loaded. Review Next, review the location codes via Core>Locations to confirm the same number were loaded and compare back to the Classic location codes to confirm all location codes migrated.
Organization Codes (EIS_IRN#_LOCAT_EXP.TXT)
- OrganizationCodeImportImpl: error: Organization Code Import Error - row 4: Index 2 out of bounds for length 2
- This error usually indicates the extract files does not contain any organization code records. Please review their Classic EISMNT>ORGSCN to confirm there are no organization codes on file in Classic. If that's the case, please ignore this error.
- If there are organization codes in Classic, on the inventory import results file, please review how many organization codes loaded. Review the find the number of 'records loaded'. Next, review the migrated organization codes via Core>Organization to confirm the same number were loaded and compare back to the Classic organization codes (EISMNT>ORGSCN) to confirm all organization codes migrated.
- If you can confirm all Classic organization codes migrated to Inventory, please ignore the error. The 'out of bounds' error may be due to a blank where the importer thinks there should
- have been a code.
- If
- a organization code did not import, please add it manually via Core>Organization Codes