- Under Core menu:
- Configuration: Click on ‘Edit’ to enter the district information such as IRN, District Name, Last Closed Inventory Fiscal Year. Fiscal Year Report Bundle Email Address and Foundation Percentage (if applicable) and save changes. If the district is GAAP compliant, you must enter select the 'enable GAAP flag' which will activate the necessary GAAP settings in the software and automatically check the GAAP Flag box.
Fiscal Years: Create the current Inventory fiscal year and set the capitalization criteria (refer to Capitalization Criteria explained under the System menu steps listed next). This consists of a dollar threshold and/or life limit. These values are determined and set by Board . The system defaults to a capitalization criteria of $1000 and 25 years. Please refer to the district's capitalization policy and use System>Capitalization Criteria to reset their capitalization criteria to the district policy. The figures entered will determine which items will be capitalized and included on the GAAP reports.
Note Please do not create prior fiscal year periods. Only create the period for the fiscal year they would like to start on.
- Under System menu:
- Users: in order to create user accounts for Inventory
- Capitalization Criteria: If the GAAP box is checked under Core>Configuration, capitalization criteria will need to be completed for non-migrating district in order to set their capitalization threshold. Please refer to the Core>Fiscal Years to check to see if the existing capitalization criteria is correct. If not, please enter the correct criteria in the Capitalization Criteria program to set their capitalization threshold.
- Configuration (only accessible with INV_ADMIN role)
- ADS Config: This is optional if you want to allow the enabling of external authentication (active directory service) in the inventory application
- Password Config: This is optional. Provides ability to change user password configuration.
- Email Config: In order to generate the fiscal year Inventory report bundle, this must be configured. NOTE: The Fiscal Year Report Bundle Email Address (in Core>Configuration) must be entered as well in order to email the report bundle.
- Jobs: the ability to view scheduled jobs (i.e. Inventory report bundle)
- Migration Import: allow the ability to mass load Item, acquisition and disposition data acquired in prior periods.
- If you are wanting to mass-load data via a spreadsheet, please refer to the following:
- Core codes: please refer to the System>Importchapter for more information on available spreadsheet templates and formatting information to mass-load Core data codes (i.e. location codes, categories, asset classes, etc). See NOTE at the bottom of the page
- Mass-load new items acquired in an open period: please refer to the System>Import chapter, Item Import type section, for an available template spreadsheet and formatting information to mass-load new items acquired in an open period
- Mass-load items acquired in prior years: ITC assistance is required to import data from prior years. Please contact your ITC. Detailed steps on how to import data from prior years is found under System>Configuration>Migration Import chapter.
- Under Transactions menu:
- Create Pending Item Data. Please refer to the 'Pull from USAS' option under Transactions>Pending Items for steps on how to pull USAS-R PO items marked for inventory into the Inventory application.
- In USAS-R, ensure theEIS Classic Integration Module is installed as well as the EIS Classic Integration Configuration's pending threshold criteria is set up. Both should have been completed as part of your USAS migration (USAS-R Post Import steps). Once in place, when a PO item meets the pending threshold (during AP Invoice processing), it will be marked for inventory and may pulled into the pending file using 'Pull from USAS'. NOTE: The EIS Classic Integration Configuration setup is specific to flagging items when invoiced via USAS-R. Districts invoicing through a third party application should check with their third party to see if there is additional setup needed to flag invoice items for inventory.
- Create Pending Item Data. Please refer to the 'Pull from USAS' option under Transactions>Pending Items for steps on how to pull USAS-R PO items marked for inventory into the Inventory application.