This is a mass load option for non-migrating districts allowing ITC staff to import data for districts starting on Inventory without the fiscal year restrictions that apply to the System>Import options, thus allowing prior year data to be imported into the application.
- This option will allow you to upload CSV files for acquisitions, items or dispositions. The data formats and headers for this option are the same as documented in the System>Import chapter.
- The 'Item' import type, by default, will also create any Core codes that does not exist. For example, fund, function, location, etc.
- 'Create Acquisition Records' will be checked by default when selecting the 'item' import type thus creating the associated acquisition transaction. Districts can choose not to create an associated acquisition record by 'unchecking' the box. Used caes
- to optionally create the acquisition when the item is created, however this will happen for all items in the CSV file being imported. Separate imports (files) should be used if necessary, one for items they want acquisitions created for automatically and one for items they do not want acquisitions created for automatically.