Most of the hidden tabs/space issues have been found on the "User Defined" section of the item record. To confirm, run an EIS303 report and at the Reporting Portion option, select 7 'User Defined" and hit enter through the rest of the prompts with the exception of the last option... you want to sort by tag number (TN) only. If it encounters hidden tab/spacing issues, the resulting report will display null spaces (snippet below).
- Fix in Classic:
If the EIS303 has confirmed this, you can use datatrieve to clear out the user defined fields. However, please note to check with the district to see if they have any important data stored in the User Defined fields in EISSCN>ITMSCN. If they do not use this section, perform the following datatrieve steps in a test set of their classic data to remove the hidden tabs. Re-extract and view the items extract file to see if ALL items now line up at the left margin. If there is no wrapping, perform another test import to see if it cleared up both the item and acquisition errors on the inventory import results file.
Steps to clear out the user-defined fields (these fields are displayed on Screen 3 of ITMSCN in Classic)
- set to their SAAS21 dictionary
- ready items shared modify
- find a in items (you will receive a return number of all item records they have on file)
- modify all using user_money=""
- modify all using user_date=""
- modify all using user_code_1=""
- modify all using user_code_2=""
- modify all using user_code_3=""
- modify all using user_description=""
- exit
- Fix in Classic:
- If the above steps do not fix the wrapping issue, please create a support ticket attaching both the inventory import results file and their EIS_IRN#_ITEMS_EXP.TXT file
- Duplicate location on file: This could be possible if the location category or location number includes a blank space. The one with the blank space will import first (the importer drops the space) thus resulting in the duplicate location to not import.
- Fix in Classic: If it is a true duplicate, the district can delete the duplicate location in EISMNT>LOCSCN.
- Duplicate location on file: This could be possible if the location category or location number includes a blank space. The one with the blank space will import first (the importer drops the space) thus resulting in the duplicate location to not import.
- LocationCodeImportImpl: error: Location Code Import Error - row 4: Index 2 out of bounds for length 2
- On the inventory import results file, please review how many location codes loaded. Review the location codes via Core>Locations to confirm the same number were loaded and compare back to the Classic location codes to confirm all location codes migrated. If soyou can confirm all Classic location codes migrated to Inventory, the 'out of bounds' error may be due to a blank where the importer thinks there should be a location code. If all location codes migrated, please ignore this error.