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Document Storage - Michelle - move to October issue.
Employer Distribution - Andrea
Making Temporary Budgets Permanents in USAS - Pat
If you adopted your Temporary Appropriations on or before July 1st, you may now be getting ready to finalize the budget by adopting your permanent appropriations which are due prior to October 1st. In order to determine if these appropriations were actually applied in the USAS application as Temporaries or Permanents, let's first download the report definitions from the Public USAS Reports Library to help us. The link to the Public USAS Reports Library can also be found under the USAS application’s Help menu.
After downloading these report definitions and importing them into the USAS menu Report>Report Manager, you can generate these reports and view the changes made to the account's initial estimates when the proposed amounts were applied in USAS. By viewing the report's ‘TYPE’ column, you can determine the type of transaction that was applied. The report will show whether these amounts were applied as Intial Temporary (full year or not full year) or the permanent transaction types.
For example, if you selected the Transaction Type of Temporary when you applied the Proposed Amounts, the amounts applied became your (temporary) Initial budgets for the fiscal year chosen and on this report, they will be labeled TempIntialTempInitial. If you selected The Update the GAAP Original Estimate amounts, this would be noted on the report as GAAPInitial and the Amounts is checked by default and will apply the current expendable/receivable amounts would have been applied to the GAAP Original Estimate [Initial amounts + (CO Enc) +/- Adjustments] to your GAAP Original Budget figures on the accounts and note these as GAAPInitial on the report. If you do not want your GAAP amounts updated, uncheck the box. If Full Yearwas left checked, this indicated the temporary amounts hold true for the entire year whereas if the temporary amounts were going to change during the year, you could have unchecked the full year box before applying. The Replaced column indicates that the tempoary amounts were replaced with a permanent amount.
Now that the Type of transaction has been determined, if no changes to the Temporary amounts are needed, it is up to the User to decide if they want to apply these amounts as Permanent. The Initial amounts will not change on the account, but can show on certain reports that include the ...................the TYPE. However, when you do have changes to the Temporary amounts, when applying these Permanent amounts via the Proposed Amounts grid, the Temporary amounts on the accounts will be overwritten. The Update the GAAP Original Estimate Amounts is checked by default and cannot be changed, enforcing the current expendable/receivable amount will be applied to your GAAP Original Estimate figures.
Notes... to include?
- If I update the GAAP Original Estimate amount when applying an adjustment, does that change the GAAP original amount on the GAAP Extract?
- No, the GAAP original budget will remain the same however, the GAAP revised budget will reflect the adjusted amount.
- As for your GAAP amounts, if you set your GAAP Original amounts during your temporary posting, when applying permanents, the GAAP 'original budget' remains unchanged, however, the GAAP 'revised budget' amount reflects the permanent figure on the GAAP Extract.
- I would like to apply my proposed amounts as permanent. However, I've already made some Adjustments for specific accounts. Will my adjustments (additions/deduction amounts) be overwritten?
- No, any +/- adjustments made to the expenditure account will not be affected. For example, if my temporary figure is $1000 and I've made a positive adjustment of $500, if I now post a permanent amount for $2000, my expendable figure will be $2500 (new initial figure of $2000 + $500 positive adjustment).
Useful links:
- SSDT Wiki
- August Release Recap
- Newsletters Home Page
- SSDT Documentation
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- SSDT YouTube Channel
- Inventory YouTube Playlist
Need a little guidance on what to do in USPS to help with your Initial Staff and Course (L) collection? SSDT has an updated checklist in our documentation that covers everything you need to know before submitting your initial collection for the first time. And even better, we recorded a session we did with ITC staff to review the checklist, digging deep into some of the steps. Check it out!
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Balancing STRS Tips - use info from 9/22 newsletter - Michelle |
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Archiving an employee - use info from 9/21 newsletter - Michelle |
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Five Year Forecast - Period P opening reminder - Michelle |