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Feature Article

New Printing Capabilities for W2 (Andrea) and 1099s (Amanda)

(Andrea, mention YTDRPT equivalent

News You Can Use For W2 Printing

New for 2022? The ability for a district to create their own W2 print files.  This must be a mutual decision between the ITC and the district. 

Updates have been made that will now allow the user to create their own W2 pdf file that contains all pertinent data required for printing.

You can go to Reports>W2 Report>W2 Printing tab:

Image Added

Image Added

Save and Recall option Image Added, allows the users to create and save certain reports Image Added for different report runs for each report option.  The Default option is the original SSDT report and the Most Recent is the last report that was ran by the user.  If the report is no longer needed, click on Image Addedto delete the report.  The Default reports cannot be deleted. 

Report Title - Default is W2 Report, but can be modified.

Federal ID Number - Defaulted to district's Federal ID Number.                                    

State ID Number - Defaulted to district's State ID Number.

Kind of Employer - Available choices from the drop-down box *REQUIRED*

  • F,  Federal Government
  • S, State and Local Governmental Employer (non 501c)
  • T, Tax Exempt Employer
  • Y, State and Local Tax Exempt Employer (501c)
  • N, None apply

Sort Options - Available choices from the drop-down box *REQUIRED*

  • Employee SSN
  • Employee Name
  • Building/Department and Employee Name
  • Building/Department, Pay Group and Employee Name
  • Pay Group
  • Zip Code and Employee SSN
  • Zip Code and Employee Name
  • Check Distribution and Employee Name

Report for Year - Select reporting year from available choices from the drop-down box Image Added *REQUIRED*

Employer Name - This field can be left blank as this data will pull from the Company Name field on the System/Configuration/W2 Configuration record

Employer Address first line - This field can be left blank as this data will pull from the Company Location Address field on the System/Configuration/W2 Configuration record

Employer Address second line - This field can be left blank as this data will pull from the Company Delivery Address field on the System/Configuration/W2 Configuration record

Employer City - This field can be left blank as this data will pull from the Company City field on the System/Configuration/W2 Configuration record

Employer State - This field can be left blank as this data will pull from the Company State field on the System/Configuration/W2 Configuration record

Employer Zip Code - This field can be left blank as this data will pull from the Company Zip Code field on the System/Configuration/W2 Configuration record

Check Image Addedif wanting to see Building/Department Code print on the employee's W2:

  • Image Added

Check Image Added to include Fringe Benefits if there is any.

Additional payroll item(s) can be provided to your employees using the box labeled 'Other' on the W2 forms.  Entering the payroll item(s) will cause the year-to-date amount to print on the forms.   From the drop down box option, select the Payroll Item(s) or type in the payroll item code, click on the code and then click on Image Added:

Select Payroll Items to print in box 14 (maximum of 3 selected will print in box 14, leave empty to not include specific payroll items in box 14)

Image Added

Select Individual Employees?  (Leave empty to select all Employees)

Image Added

and 1099s (Amanda)

Useful links:

titleDid You Know?

RPTSUM - Lori Nye

titleDid You Know?

USAS - ?



Sites Live on Redesign


Total Wave 8 Sites


Participating ITCs


Total Districts Participating

Please view the Current List of Districts & Status to see a comprehensive list of school districts along with their ITC, implementation status and the wave they are scheduled to migrate from Classic to Redesign.

The following terminology is used to determine where in the implementation process the entity is currently at:

  • Implementing: The ITC is running test imports and balancing reports on the entity.  The district and ITC are working to schedule dates to begin dual processing and go live.

  • Paralleling: The entity is inputting all production transactions into both Classic and Redesign.

  • Live: The entity is using Redesign for production processing; no parallel processing is being performed;  Classic is available in 'read-only' mode.

titleDid You Know?

Mention FIRE system test dates
