The College Credit Plus (CCP) application is to be used by all EMIS reporting entities and Higher Education Institutions (HEI) as means to verify College Credit Plus enrollment, as well as the credit hour rate charged for those courses, for payment to Higher Education Institutions. The EMIS Reporting entities, the Higher Education Institutions, ITC Staff and ODE personnel all have access to this application.
Users can gain access to the CCP application within ODDEX by using the CCP application link on the navigation bar. Depending upon the user's SAFE roles, the user may have access to CCP Student course and/or Agreement data.
Once a review has been added by the LEA, the ability to comment on the review will be available. Comments may be added by clicking the Add Comment icon
in the Reviews section of the student course detail popup. Comments entered and saved, can not be deleted or modified.After clicking on the Add Comment icon, an additional popup window is opened that allows a comment to be added. The Shared box is checked by default. Shared comments are viewable by anyone with access to the students information through CCP. By unchecking the shared box, only users within the Commenter's agency will be able to view the comment once it has been saved. Comments are available immediately for viewing once the comment has been saved.
The process of Review and adding comments may occur multiple times.
When an LEA is ready to approve the information about the student course for payment, personnel will need to return to the Student Detail screen and select one of the review buttons, Review or Approve, for the appropriate course. When selecting the Review button the flagging options will display and the user must select the appropriate approval as shown below, enter comments as needed and save. When selecting the Approve button, the flag is cleared and the record is approved with the single click.
Once on this screen, the LEA can click on the button and the application will automatically clear any flags that had been set and the student course is marked as having LEA approval for CCP payment. If desired, the button can be used as well. This will return districts to the Flagging screen. To clear the flags and approve the student course from this screen, click on the button.
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