Ohio District Data Exchange (ODDEX)



Ohio District Data Exchange (ODDEX) is the primary application for a number of smaller modules districts will use for data verifications and exchanges.

Access to the application and data is restricted to authorized district and ITC personnel as well as DEW staff.

The information provided here pertains to the functions within ODDEX.  For information pertaining to EMIS reporting or EMIS record types, see the latest EMIS Reporting Guide found on DEW's web site.

The ODDEX application runs under most standard browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari) and mobile devices.  Please note, performance issues have been reported randomly by users of Firefox.   If experienced, a different browser may be used.   ODDEX does require current browser versions.  


In order to access the ODDEX application, users must log into their OH|ID account through the OH|ID Portal and select the ODDEX tile.

OH|ID Portal information is available from the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce web site.  







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