The Tuition module is broken into a Paying view and Educating view. This page will discuss the Paying district's view and available functions for tuition data.
If the educating LEA has uploaded any reference documents, basic details about the document(s) will de displayed in the documents section of the Student Detail page. If a document is downloadable, the filename will appear as a link. The educating LEA may delete a document they previously uploaded at any time. The Once a document has been deleted, the details of the document upload will remain, but the document will no longer be downloadable. The documents will expire for downloading after a predetermined amount of time. The Last Date to Download column will show the latest date the document will remain downloadable unless deleted by the educating LEA. ODE will determine how many days the documents will remain downloadable, the value may change at any time. Refer to ODE's Tuition Manual for the number of days to expiration. Once the last date to download has been passed, the document will be deleted by the system and will no longer be downloadable.
If comments are present, the name of the individual who posted the comment will be a hyperlink. Clicking on the hyperlink will bring up a popup window that contains contact information for the LEA/individual who posted the comment. The contact information displayed in the popup is dependent upon the Agency's Secondary Contact information being populated. If populated, the LEA contact information will be displayed. If not provided, the individual user's contact information from the User's profile will be displayed.