- Records
- Special Education Extension
- Assessments Extension
- Grad Cohort Extension
- Calendars
- Tuition
Most data viewable from these application areas is submitted to ODE or SSDT; referred to as Report Authorities, using the EMIS-R Data Collector. This data is processed by the manifests or collection requests in EMIS-R and sent to the appropriate Report Authority. Once received at the Report Authority, the data is processed and made available in the ODDEX applications. All submitted data is read-only with the exception of specific data within the Tuition module. Updates are not allowed to any other submitted data. Updates needed to the non-modifiable data, must be processed back through EMIS-R and the Data Collector.
All applications have a pre-determined time-out of 30 minutes. When inactivity exceeds that 30 minute window, the user's session is terminated.
Navigation Bar
- Home - Returns user to Landing Page
- SOES - Student Open Enrollment application area
- SCR - Student Cross-Reference application area
- Records - Historical student cross reference information
- Includes Special Education and Assessment data
- This is a drop down menu that allows for selection of Single Student or Bulk Export
- CCP - College Credit Plus application area
- This is a drop down menu allowing selection of Students or Agreements
- Tuition - Tuition application area
- This is a drop down menu allows selection of Resident/Paying or Educating/Receiving
- Calendar - View district calendar information, Community School sponsors may review (approve/reject) calendars
- Users - Edit and view of district user information
- Agencies - Edit and view of district level information
- Help - Opens a new browser window for the ODDEX documentation
- About - Shows information regarding the ODDEX application
- Logout - Logs the user out of ODDEX
The ODDEX application is mobile friendly and will function on most mobile devices.