The Tuition application is to be used by EMIS reporting entities as means to verify tuition information/payments. This includes payments being paid by the LEA and those being received by the LEA. EMIS reporting entities, ITC staff and ODE personnel have access to the Tuition application.
The Tuition data within ODDEX is populated into the application with the data submitted to ODE as part of the Student (S) Collection Requests; Beginning of Year Student Collection, Midyear Student Collection, End of Year Student Collection, SOES Beginning of Year Student Collection and SOES End of Year Student Collection. The Tuition data is not populated using the Student Cross Reference (S) Collection data submitted to SSDT.
Users may gain access to the Tuition application within ODDEX by using the Tuition application link on the navigation bar or by clicking on one of the blue hyperlinks within the landing page's Tuition Summary areas. See Landing Page for details on its use.
If comments are present, the name of the individual who posted the comment will be a hyperlink. Clicking on the hyperlink will bring up a popup window that contains contact information for the LEA/individual who posted the comment. The contact information displayed in the popup is dependent upon the Agency's Secondary Contact information being populated. If populated, the LEA contact information will be displayed. If not provided, the individual user's contact information from the User's profile will be displayed.
The process of Review and adding comments may occur multiple times.
Clicking the edit icon will open an additional popup window allowing the user to update the data.
Placement By
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Any placement information for the student will have to be manually entered. This data is not included in the EMIS-R data collections. This is optional data for districts with a placement situation, such as court placement and the details for entry would be included on the placement papers received. The Placement By section can be left blank.
The Order Date must be entered in MM/DD/YYYY format including the slashes. The date may be hand entered into the text box or entered by using the date picker. By clicking on the
Parent and Address
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The parent and address information for the student may be populated through data submitted through an EMIS-R Student data contact collection. This data may also be manually updated by the Educating LEA for tuition reporting purposes. The address to be included here is determined by ORC and depends on the situation. Districts should consult the ORC or contact their ODE Area Coordinator if uncertain what must be reported. If the contact data is not known to the Educating district, Unknown can be entered in the parent last name and first line of the address to allow a review to occur. Manually changing the data through the Tuition module will have no effect on the student elsewhere throughout the ODDEX application. Any updates affect the Tuition module only.
If comments are present, the name of the individual who posted the comment will be a hyperlink. Clicking on the hyperlink will bring up a popup window that contains contact information for the LEA/individual who posted the comment. The contact information displayed in the popup is dependent upon the Agency's Secondary Contact information being populated. If populated, the LEA contact information will be displayed. If not provided, the individual user's contact information from the User's profile will be displayed.
The process of Review and adding comments may occur multiple times.