The College Credit Plus (CCP) application is to be used by all EMIS reporting entities and Higher Education Institutions (HEI) as means to verify enrollment for funding.
Users can gain access to the CCP application within ODDEX by using the CCP application link on the navigation bar. Depending upon the user's SAFE roles, the user may have access to CCP Student course and/or Agreement data.
By clicking on the 'Add Review' button , the LEA is placed in a new screen where they have the opportunity to set flags of contention for a student course or approve the course for funding as reported. The flag options included in this screen shot are for display purposes only, as they may change at any given time. Districts should refer to the ODE web site and CCP reporting documentation for specifics on the flag options available for the current processing year.
In the Note box, districts can add comments about the flag they set. These notes are visible to the HEI that reported the student, all personnel in your district with access to CCP, your ITC support staff and ODE. Notes entered and saved, can not be deleted. What is entered will appear in the detail screen in the column labeled 'Comments'. See more details on the use of 'Comments' in following sections of this document.
When setting the flags, the following submission buttons may be available:
- Save Flags - Saves the flag(s) checked by the district and any notes entered about the flag(s)
- Reviewed - No Flags - District is indicating the student has been approved for CCP funding
- Clear Flags & Mark Reviewed - this is indicating the student did have a flag set, but the flag can be cleared now and the student course is approved for CCP funding
- Cancel - Leaves the screen with no changes saved
All saved information is written back to the database and is available immediately for viewing by both the HEI and LEA.
Higher Education Institution (HEI) View
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