The Tuition application is to be used by EMIS reporting entities as means to verify tuition information/payments. This includes payments being paid by the LEA and those being received by the LEA. EMIS reporting entities, ITC staff and ODE personnel have access to the Tuition application
Users can gain access to the Tuition application within ODDEX by using the Tuition application link on the navigation bar or by clicking on one of the blue hyperlinks within the landing page's Tuition Summary areas. See Landing Page for details on its use.
The Tuition application area has two options from the navigation bar, Resident/Paying and Educating/Receiving. To view those students for which the LEA is to receive tuition payments, select the Educating/Receiving option from the drop down menu in the navigation bar. To see those students for which the LEA pays tuition to another LEA, select the Resident/Paying option.
Each of these Tuition menu options will be discussed in their own sections within this document.
Resident/Paying view
Educating/Receiving view
Resident/Paying View
Districts will have the ability to use the various Find options. Selections by name, SSID, and Gender are at the student level.
Clicking on the flag image or SSID hyperlink will open a popup window showing the full details of the student's tuition information being reported by the Educating LEA. The detail popup window is where all flagging and entry of any comments may be made.
Educating/Receiving View
Educating/Receiving Summary Listing Screen