Versions Compared


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The College Credit Plus (CCP) application is to be used by all EMIS reporting entities and Higher Education Institutions (HEI) as means to verify enrollment for funding.

Users can gain access to the CCP application within ODDEX by using the CCP application link on the navigation bar. Depending upon the user's SAFE roles, the user may have access to CCP Student course and/or Agreement data.


The options  available from the main navigation bar will vary depending on the user's SAFE roles.  The view of the data within the CCP options will be dependent upon if the user has access through an LEA or HEI.  Each of the views will be discussed in their own sections within this document. 

Local Educating Agency Student Course View
Higher Education Institution Student Course View
Local Educating Agency Agreement View
Higher Education Institution Agreement View


  • Home - Returns user to Landing Page
  • Users - Edit and view of district user information
  • Agencies - Edit and view of district level information
  • Help - Opens a new browser window for the ODDEX documentation
  • About - Shows information regarding the ODDEX application
  • Logout - Logs the user out of ODDEX



Local Educating Agency (LEA) Student Course View




Districts will have the ability to use various find options, name, SSID and Reported By are at the student  level. 


Once on this screen, the LEA can click on the  button and the application will automatically clear any flags that had been set and the student course is marked as having LEA approval for CCP funding.  If desired, the button can be used as well.  This will return districts to the Flagging screen.  To clear the flags and approve the student course from this screen, click on the  button.


CCP Agreements - LEA View



Information pertaining the the agreement between the LEA and HEI may be found and reviewed from Agreements menu option under CCP on the main navigation bar.


The user may print the agreement details by clicking on the Printer icon in the upper left corner.




Higher Education Institution (HEI) View






The HEI will have the ability to find student course records based on several options.  The name, SSID and Resident Of options are at the student level.  Review Status is at the student course level.
