Access to the ODDEX application is granted by a district's OEDS Administrator. Using SAFE roles available from OEDS, an individual with a SAFE account could be granted access to this application and its areas. One individual may have a single OEDS role for these applications, or they may have multiple roles. The number of roles and the number of LEAs they may have access to is determined at the district level.
Data viewable from these application areas is submitted to ODE or SSDT; referred to as Report Authorities, using the EMIS-R Data Collector. This data is processed by the manifests or collection requests in EMIS-R and sent to the appropriate Report Authority. Once received at the Report Authority, the data is processed and made available in the ODDEX applications. All submitted data is read-only. No updates to submitted data is allowed. Updates needed to the data, must be processed back through EMIS-R and the Data Collector manifests.
Data submitted to these applications is never deleted. Only new data is added or updates made to existing data. The update Updates to data is are only from made by completing a new submission through the Data Collector. The data as submitted each school year will remain within the application for historical purposes. Functionality within the application will default to the current school year for SOES and SCR, but will allow selection of past years data. The History will include all data available for a student with restrictions, and allowances for narrowing data to a single year. See the History section of this documentation for additional details.