When attempting to log into the ODDEX application, users could receive a log in failure message after entering a username and password. These messages vary and indicate a problem with communications, SAFE authentication, or a system error.
- Username not found (UsernameNotFoundException) = Login failed. Username entered is not valid.Username/password did not authenticate with SAFE (BadCredentialsException) = Login failed. User may have entered incorrect username or password. Those entered did not match any existing SAFE account.
- SAFE Authentication unavailable = SAFE application at ODE is not available. When this occurs ODDEX is also not available.
- Communication error (AuthenticationServiceException) = This error may also include a message such as 'connection refused', 'host not found'. This indicates the ODDEX application is not currently available. Contact your ITC for assistance.
- Other failure (AuthenticationServiceException) = Login failure for all other errors that are not related to SAFE. Contact your ITC for assistance.
- Your SAFE account does not have access to this application = Your SAFE credentials are correct, your SAFE account does not have the correct roles for the applications. The district OEDS administrator can assist with granting those roles.