The College Credit Plus (CCP) application is to be used by all EMIS reporting entities and Higher Education Institutions (HEI) as means to verify College Credit Plus enrollment, as well as the credit hour rate charged for those courses, for payment to Higher Education Institutions. The EMIS Reporting entities, the Higher Education Institutions, ITC Staff and ODE personnel all have access to this application.
Users can gain access to the CCP application within ODDEX by using the CCP application link on the navigation bar. Depending upon the user's SAFE roles, the user may have access to CCP Student course and/or Agreement data.
Clicking on the flag icon, SSID or Course hyperlinks will open a popup window showing the full details of the student course information being reported. The detail popup window is where all flagging by the LEA is completed, as well as entry of any comments.
The summary screen includes basic student and course data. The data in each column can be sorted by clicking on the next to the field. Sort in ascending or descending order by clicking on the up or down arrows respectively. When sorting by the Course, the records will sort by the local classroom codes submitted to EMIS when an LEA user initiates the sort. When sorting by the Course, the records will sort by the Higher Ed course codes when an HEI user initiates the sort.
Student Course Detail
The student course detail popup shows data as it was reported by both the LEA and the HEI. The information at the top, the header information, is the basic information for the student course record. The information at the bottom provides a side-by-side display of what is being reported by the HEI and LEA.