Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Reviewed with errors

Reviewed no errors


Also available is the selection of records modified since last review.  This selection allows the Resident district to select only the records a community school has made new comments on, or students they have submitted new data for.  The choices are:

  • All records
  • Updated records by CS since last review


The find box can be collapsed clicking on the lower left corner icon  .

The district has the ability to export the data for each student as found on the current screen.  To do this, click on the icon.  The data is then exported in a TAB delimited format that can be saved and imported into a spreadsheet.


ODDEX Summary Screen


Image Added

In this summary screen, basic student identifiable information is included.   The flags in the left most column represent the status of the student.  

  • Reg flag - a contesting flag was set by the resident district
  • Yellow flag - student is yet to be reviewed by resident district
  • Green flag - resident district has agreed with data community school has submitted and approved the student for community school funding

To get to the detail information about a student, a district can click on either the flag icon or the SSID. This detail pop-up screen is where all flagging by a resident district is completed, as well as entry of any comments.


ODDEX Detail Screen

Image Added

By clicking on the Image Added button, the resident district is placed in a new screen, where they have the opportunity to set flags of contention for a student.


Image Modified


The flags to set are determined by ODE.  A clear definition of these flags can be found on ODE's web site and searching for their SOES reporting guide.


In the Note box, districts can add comments about the flag they set.  These notes are visible to the Community School that reported the student, all personnel in your district with access to SOES, your ITC support staff and ODE.  What is entered here will appear in the detail screen in the column labeled 'Comments'.  See more details on this in following sections of this document.


When setting the flags, the following radio buttons are available:

  • Using the Save Flags button, the district saves and flags and notes about the flag entered above.
  • Using the Reviewed - No Flags, the district is indicating the student has been approved for community school funding
  • Clear Flags & Mark Reviewed - this is indicating the student did have a flag set, but the flag can be cleared now and the student is approved for community school funding
  • Cancel - Leaves the screen with no changes saved


All saved information is written back to the database and is available immediately for viewing by both the resident district and the community school.  Depending on the flags set, the student may also move to a new column on both districts Landing Page.

Detail Screen after flags get set. 

The flags show in the Review Flags area and anything entered in the Notes area of the flagging screen, will show in the Comments section of this detail screen.



Once a flag has been set by the resident district, either the community school or the resident district can add additional comments to this student by clicking on the Comment icon Image Added , which is found in the left most area of the 'Reviews' section of this detail screen. 


Image Added


After clicking on the comment icon, a small box opens that allows a comment to be added.  Once added, it is available immediately for viewing.


Image Added