- In the ACH Header Record Information section, enter the Originator Name. This will be the local bank name if the tape is being sent directly to a federal reserve bank or the fiscal agent name if the tape will be processed by a local bank. The originator initiates entries into the Automated Clearing House Network though an originating financial institution. This may be a local bank, a district fiscal agent, etc. The institute with whom the transfer will occur can assist in what should be entered here.
- Enter the Orginator Originator Routing Number. For NACHA compliant tapes, this may be the ACH number of the processing bank. Some banks may require the fiscal agent or districts federal tax id in this field. Contact the bank for the correct value. This field will be used to make up the last 9 characters of the Immediate Origin on the ACH file header record.
- The Originator Type makes up the first character of the Immediate Origin on the ACH file header record. Banks adhering to the NACHA rules will require a space in this field. At the banks discretion, they may require another value in this field. Refer to the processing bank for the proper code. In the Type field, enter the following:
- In the Credit Account Status field, enter one of the following:
- Yes, create a live credit transaction.
- Yes, create a Prepre-note credit transaction.
- No, do not create a credit transaction.
- In the Debit Account Status field, enter one of the following:
- Yes, create a live debit transaction.
- Yes, create a pre-note debit transaction.
- No, do not create a debit transaction.
- In the Account Number field, enter the account number for the direct deposit clearing account.
- In the ACH Number field, enter the routing number for the bank where the direct deposit clearing account resides.