- 1 - IRS Employer Identification Number (EIN)
- 3 - Data Universal Numbering Systems (DUNS)
- 9 - User assigned numberAny alphanumeric value determined by the financial institution.Assigned number
- In the Organization ID Number field, enter the district's ID number. The district's Federal tax ID (EIN) number is normally used as the District ID Number. The processing bank may require their own customer ID number. This field makes up the last 9 characters of the Company Identification on the ACH file batch header record.
- In the Originating DFI field, enter the first 8 digits of the routing number for the Depository Financial Institution (DFI) originating the entries. This field makes up the Originating DFI Identification on the ACH file batch header record.
- The Originating Status field offers the following options:
In most cases, the Originator status should equal 1. This field makes up the Originator Status Code on the ACH file batch header record (Position 41).
- In the Entry Description field enter a description (up to 10 characters) that will be used when displaying back to the Receiver. If this field is left blank, the default, PAYROLL, will be used. This field represents the Company Entry Description on the Batch header record.
- In the Trace Routing Number field enter the first 8 digits of the routing number of the Originating DFI. In some cases the processing bank may require a different routing number be used on the detail PPD entries than what is used on the Batch header record. This routing number may not be the same as the routing number entered for the Originating DFI. The district trace routing number makes up the first 8 characters of the Trace Number on the ACH file PPD Entry Detail Record.
- In the Number of batches field enter the type of file to be generated for ACH submission: