Payroll Item Refund is used to process a refund of a Payroll Item for an employee. For example, a Payroll Item Refund would be necessary if an employee had an insurance deduction withheld for $80.00 and it should not have been deducted. The Payroll Item Refund allows you to reimburse the total amount or a portion to the employee and reduce the amount sent to the deduction company.
Payroll Item Refund - Employer
If employee is being paid in the regular payroll, then the Employer refund portion can be included on the Employer Error Adjustment field in the Payroll Item. If the employee is NO longer being paid, then you would use the Processing/Process Outstanding Payables/Payables Adjustments option.
Payables by Item Detail example:
To refund an employee who is no longer being paid or a refund needs to be processed before the next regular payroll is ran the following process will need to be performed:
Example of a PDF Check Payment:
This refund amount will then show in Processing/Processing Outstanding Payables/Payables by Item Detail to adjust the Payroll Item payable:
Create ACH Electronic Payment for Refund of Payroll Item