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The following steps provide options to either:

Refund a payroll item during a regular Payroll



6. Click on Save.

7. If there is an Employer error adjustment involved you will need to scroll to the Employer Error Adjustment section and click on .                                                                                                                          

78. Add the refund Amount as a negative number, a Description and a Date (only if you wish to process this refund at a later time. If you wish to process now leave date blank.) NOTE: If there is employer pickup involved ex-Medicare, Retirement, etc. check the  box.


Note: If you want to delete the entire Employee or Employer Error Adjustment record click the  button and go back to the appropriate Error Adjustment Section and check 'pickup' .

89. Initialize your payroll.  On the Pay Report you will see the refund amount:

910. Complete the Payroll processing.
