- Report Title: The default is "AFFORD Report", but can be modified
- Sort By: Employee Number or Employee Name
- Beginning Date: This is the beginning date of your measurement period. **NOTE**(When running the Afford program, use the original period beginning and ending date (even if you have pays for that paydate on a lag) and all employees for that pay will be included)
- For the WEEKLY option, the beginning date should always be the first period beginning date from the first payroll you want included. Select a date from the calendar or enter the payroll beginning date for the start of the measurement period in M/DD/YY or MM/DD/YYYY format.
For the MONTHLY option, you should enter the first days of the month for the first payroll you want included in the measurement period. Select a date from the calendar or enter the first day of the month for the start of the measurement period in M/DD/YY or MM/DD/YYYY format.
Note For Semi-Monthly districts that don't use the 15th and last day of the month as your pay dates, you will want to use the Beginning Period Date of your first payroll of the month.
Payroll is 9/11-9/27 for pay date 10/1
Regular pay is 9/28-10/11/19 for pay date 10/15
Sub pay is 9/14-9/28/19 for pay date 10/15Use dates of 9/11 – 10/11 Weekly - ALL pay groups = REG & SUB’s for 10/1 & 10/15 pays will be included
- Ending Date: This is the ending date of your measurement period.
- For the WEEKLY option, the ending date should always be the last period ending date from the last payroll you want included in the measurement period. Select a date from the calendar or enter the payroll ending date for the end of the measurement period in M/DD/YY or MM/DD/YYYY format.
- For the MONTHLY option, the ending date should be the last day of the month for the last payroll you want included in the measurement period. Select a date from the calendar or enter the last day of the month in M/DD/YY or MM/DD/YYYY format.