Panel | |
Info |
The user would need the MODULE_IMPORT and both CREATE and UPDATE for a given entity in order to use mass load. To check or add, go to SYSTEM/ROLE. |
Note |
Mass Load will always attempt to change the value in the database with the value (blank or not) in the import file. So, therefore, any blank/empty values in a column in the import file will result in setting the value in the database to empty. In the case of numeric values, empty equates to zero, for strings, it will either be null or an empty string. There is no defaulting, it will set the value to what the user specifies. If a new record is being created in the database, and a field that is NOT in the import file would normally be defaulted (as when adding via the UI), then it will end up with default values for certain fields. |
Info |
USPS-R always use 'true'/'false' (lowercase) for all boolean fields (flags). Example-Employee--odjfReportable, reportToEMIS |
Object to be imported | Identifying fields that must be included in the file | Optional fields | |||
CompensationAllows all Compensations (Non Contract, Contract and Legacy Compensations to be updated Contract and Non Contract Compensations can be added (created) but Legacy CANNOT be added | To Update Compensation record: code (this replaces the id of the compensation) position.number position.employee.number type
To Add a new Compensation record: code - (enter unique code: Example 1234-33. cannot be left blank) position.number position.employee.number type
| Compensation: type jobCalendar.description jobCalendar.type jobCalendar.archived description (compensation) label dateRange.startDate (compensation) dateRange.stopDate (compensation) payPlan
unitAmount unitAmountManualCalculationMode
retirementHours strsAdvance
archived contractDaysWorked hoursInDay primaryCompensation
Contract: payPerPeriod payPerPeriodManualCalculationMode
contractAmount contractObligation paysInContract retroNextPay stretchPay
Salary Schedule: salaryScheduleColumn salaryScheduleId salaryScheduleStep State Reporting: customFields.reportableToEMIS.value customFields.localContractCode.value Historical Context: calendarDate.startDate calendarDate.stopDate Legacy Compensations Headers:
| |||
AdjustmentJournalKeep in mind if the adjustment should apply to a specific payroll item you will need to supply the Payroll Item Code and Position Number(if position level payroll item) to correctly create adjustments Adjustments can only be created via mass load. You will not be able to update existing adjustments via mass load. | employee.number payrollItem.code amount transactionDate type - The Type column must contain one of the following values:
| payrollItem.position.number (if applicable) description imported
monthToDate *(See note below) quarterToDate *(See note below) yearToDate *(See note below) fiscalYearToDate *(See note below) *The 'default' value for all 4 to date flags is TRUE, so if there are no columns listed specifying the load for to date data to be FALSE, it will always be TRUE. Even if the columns are not listed on the report. Example- you are needing to change just YTD data. You would make sure that each record for YTD is set to TRUE. You would also need to have the MTD, FYTD and QTD columns on the spreadsheet with FALSE listed so that only the YTD data is updated. | |||
Employee | number name.lastName (to add) name.firstName (to add) | Identification: ssn
customFields.credentialID.value customFields.emisId.value Name: name.lastName name.firstName name.middleName name.suffix Legal Name: legalName.lastName legalName.firstName legalName.middleName legalName.suffix Address: address.street1 address.street2 address.state address.postalCode address.foreignAddress address.province Contact: customFields.workPhone.value customFields.homePhone.value customFields.homePhoneUnlisted.value primaryEmailAddress secondaryEmailAddress otherEmailAddress General: maritalStatus archived customFields.eligibleForRetirement.value emailDirectDeposit customFields.gender.value
newHireReportedODJFS odjfsReportable osdiCode customFields.partTime.value reportToEmis customFields.spouseFirstName.value customFields.subDays.value Dates: birthDate hireDate lastPaidDate odjfsHireDate terminationDate Evaluation: customFields.lastEvaluation.value customFields.nextEvaluation.value Experience: customFields.accredDistrictExperience.value customFields.authorizedExperience.value customFields.buildingExperience.value customFields.districtExperience.value customFields.militaryExperience.value customFields.nonOhioPrivateExperience.value customFields.nonOhioPublicExperience.value customFields.ohioPrivateExperience.value customFields.ohioPublicExperience.value customFields.principalExperience.value customFields.purchasedExperience.value customFields.retireSystemExperience.value customFields.totalExperience.value customFields.tradeExperience.value Race: customFields.primaryRace.value
Standard Payroll: customFields.payrollCode1.value customFields.payrollCode2.value customFields.payrollDate1.value customFields.payrollDate2.value customFields.payrollText1.value customFields.checkDistribution.value State Reporting: customFields.ECEQualification.value
customFields.handicapStatus.value customFields.longTermIllness.value customFields.nonCertificateEmployeeID.value customFields.otherCredentials.value
customFields.semesterHours.value | |||
Date MasterDate Text Field Definition | name propertyName appliesTo (AppliesTo must be org.ssdt_ohio.usps.model.employee.Employee for each record | ||||
Employee -Custom Date FieldFields | number customFields. testingDate.value | Position | positionDescription jobStatus
payGroup.code appointmentType
customFields.buildingCode.value customFields.departmentCode.value customFields.extendedService.value fte hireDate positionDate.startDate positionDate.stopDate customFields.raiseDate.value terminationDate supervisor.number Eligibility Flags: eligibleForPersonLeave
EMIS Related Information: customFields.reportableToEMIS.value
customFields.positionCode.value customFields.stateReportingAppointmentType.value (Date to be imported) customFields.testDate.dateText (Description) In this example 'testDate' is the property name of the Date Detail to be loaded. This part of the header will be different for each Date. This can be found on the Date Codes view. Example a Date Code called "Fingerprinting" is created Example of date header- Example of text header-customFields.fingerprinting.dateText Multiple dates can be imported per employee per file as long as each date has the correct header. | ||
Position | employee.number number retirementCode (only when adding a new position)
| positionDescription jobStatus
payGroup.code appointmentType
customFields.buildingCode.value customFields.departmentCode.value customFields.extendedService.value fte hireDate positionDate.startDate positionDate.stopDate customFields.raiseDate.value terminationDate supervisor.number Eligibility Flags: eligibleForPersonLeave
EMIS Related Information: customFields.reportableToEMIS.value
customFields.positionCode.value customFields.stateReportingAppointmentType.value
customFields.contractAmount.value customFields.contractWorkDays.value customFields.hoursInTheDay.value customFields.highGrade.value
customFields.separationDate.value customFields.paraprofessionalHireDate.value customFields.buildingIRN.value customFields.experienceCurrentClass.value Funding Source: customFields.assignmentArea.value
customFields.percent1.value customFields.fundingSourceCode2.value
customFields.percent2.value customFields.fundingSourceCode3.value
customFields.percent3.value | |||
Position-Custom Date field | employee.number number customFields.testingDate.value | ||||
Payroll Item Configuration (Select PayrollItemConfiguration Entity)The import file can contain multiple payroll item configuration types in one import. Adopt Assistance Item Config Annuity Item Config Child Support Item Config City Tax Item Config Dependent Care Item Config Employer Sers Item Config Employer Strs Item Config Federal Tax Item Config Health Savings Account Item Config Medical Saving Item Config Medicare Tax Item Config Ohio State Tax Item Config Osdi Tax Item Config Regular Item Config Savings Bond Item Config Sers Annuity Item Config Sers Buy Back Annuity Item Config Sers Item Config Social Security Tax Item Config State Tax Item Config Strs Annuity Item Config Strs Buy Back Annuity Item Config Strs Item Config | Add a new Payroll Item Configuration: OR payee.number (one of these) code type
Modifying existing Payroll Items Configurations: code
| Adoption Assistance Item: name abbrev w2abbrev paymentCycle suppressSsnId employerHealthCoverage voluntary required showOnCreateWizard Annuity Item: achSource annuityType cca ccaDescription certifiedObj city classifiedObj designatedRoth employerHealthCoverage jobLevel medicarePickup name nonWages125 osdiCode otherObject paymentCycle
postalCode printEmployerAmount rita ritaDescription reportToCCA required showOnCreateWizard state stateId payee.address.street1 payee.address.street2 payee.address.state payee.address.postalCode payee.address.foreignAddress payee.address.province payee.fax.internationalCode payee.fax.number payee.fax.unlisted suppressSsnId taxEmployerAmounts taxEntityCode taxNonCashEarn voluntary w2abbrev | |||
Payroll Item (Select the PayrollItem Importable Entities)The import file can contain multiple payroll items and employee's in one import. Example of a Payroll Item Mass Load csv: payItemMultipleCreateTest (1).csv Adopt Assistance Item Annuity Item Child Support Item City Tax Item Dependent Care Item Employer Sers Item Employer Strs Item Federal Tax Item Health Savings Account Item Medical Saving Item Medicare Tax Item Ohio State Tax Item Osdi Tax Item Regular Item Savings Bond Item Sers Annuity Item Sers Buy Back Annuity Item Sers Item Social Security Tax Item State Tax Item Strs Annuity Item Strs Buy Back Annuity Item Strs Item Payroll Item Error AdjustmentUse Importable Entities: payrollItemErrorAdjustment Payroll Item Employer Error AdjustmentUse Importable Entities: payrollItemEmployerErrorAdjustment | configuration.code employee.number position.number - only needed if payroll item is deduction by job code employeeNumber positionNumber amount date description code employeeNumber positionNumber amount date description | accountNumber For ACH fields - use the following below: Dependent Care and HSA
additionalWithHolding advanceErrorAdjustment Covid19 Fields
deductionType (for City Tax Item)
effectiveRetirmentDate Employee Deduct Max Amount-use the following below:
Employer Deduct Max Amount-use the following below:
-Annual employerRate New W4 fields useNewW4
twoLikeJobs dependentAmount otherIncome deductionAmount fullOrPartTime increasedCompensation lastModifiedDate maritalStatus
newEmployee numberOfExemptions osdiCode PayrollItemType payCycle
percentOfGross position.number - only needed if payroll item is deduction by job rate rateType
rehiredDate rehiredRetiree specificDate activeDateRange.startDate (not specific on how date is entered) activeDateRange.stopDate (not specific on how date is entered) surchargeExempt type typeOfBenefit Retire Rehired Reporting - 450 Payroll Item
| |||
Absence | employee.number activityDate length category
| ||||
Attendance | employee.number activityDate
length category
| appliedToBalance appointmentType
dayOfWeek id (Compensation) payDate subCategory substituteFor type usasPostingIndicator | |||
LeavesSick Leave Personal Leave Vacation Leave Due to how Leaves are being handled in redesign you will not be able to create new Leaves through Mass Load. The Employee must already have Leaves created through the normal Leaves UI. Mass load can only be used to update specific leave information. | employee.number type
The leaves will load if they are not eligible but will not display in the Leaves grid until the Eligibility for the leave is checked in Position grid. Warnings will be given: Warning: Employee XXXXXXXX is not eligible for XXXXXXX leave. XXXXXXX leave entry was loaded but will not be displayed when viewing leaves for the employee. Warning: Employee XXXXXXXX is not eligible for any leave. Leave entries were loaded for this employee, but this employee will not be displayed when viewing leaves. You must provide employee.number and type in your load file. If Leaves do not exist for a given employee during the load, then the leaves will be added. If the employee already has Leaves, then they will be updated. For any fields that apply to sick leave only, you will have to provide the header name in the header row, and then supply a value for the sick leave record. Vacation and personal should contain commas as placeholders for the sick leave only fields. For example: If during a modify load you change the leave unit for an employee's existing leave, from daily to hourly or vice versa, you will need to provide an additional field in your load file with a header value of hoursInDay. This is a decimal value that will be used to convert the leave balance. If converting from daily to hourly, the existing leave balance will be multiplied by the hoursInDay value to get the new balance. If converting from hourly to daily, the existing leave balance will be divided by the hoursInDay value to get the new balance. The hoursInDay must be between 1 and 8 and contain no more than 2 decimals. To convert the balance, all leave types must have the same leave unit and hoursInDay in the load file. | If header column field is not included, then data is not changed or defaulted and all other fields are correct. **NOTE**If a field is in the header and no value given for employee, then it defaults to a default value such as 0 if numeric (ex. accumPerMonth, maxLeaveAmount). accumPerMonth accumulateBasedOnHours
advancedUnitsUsed currentServiceHours leaveUnit
maxAdvanceLeave maxLeaveAmount number personalLeaveAccum resetValue serviceHoursAccumulator FOR SICK LEAVE ONLY: accumulateBasedOnHours
currentServiceHours maxAdvanceLeave serviceHoursAccumulator | |||
Compensation JournalsCompensation | Headers that are required for compensation journal entry:
Once the Excel spreadsheet has been created, you must manually add in all the following headers:
In the spreadsheet file, you need to manually enter in the amount fields, days Worked and description. The amount fields and days worked cannot be blank. Enter zeros if no amount is needed. **NOTE**Once the spreadsheet file has been created and data has been filled in, go to Mass Load and select the CompensationJournal entity. | ||||
Payroll AccountsThe following will be checked on import:
**NOTE** If you get a SEVERE Error, no data will be updated for anyone on the file If wanting to create a spreadsheet to update current Payroll Accounts, use Custom Report Creator and select the Object, Payroll Account (No 's' at the end) Below are the Properties that can be selected using Payroll Account and Report Options, Excel-FieldNames:
Once spreadsheet is created, column headers may need to be updated to match the correct field names to the right | positionNumber employeeNumber id -
Rate (once .csv is created, change the header to be 'chargeAmountOrPercent' fund func obj scc subj opu il job | startDate
Date Master Date Text Field Definition | name propertyName appliesTo (AppliesTo must be org.ssdt_ohio.usps.model.employee.Employee for each record | Date Detail Select 'Employee' from the select box | number (Date to be imported) customFields.testDate.dateText (Description) In this example 'testDate' is the property name of the Date Detail to be loaded. This part of the header will be different for each Date. This can be found on the Date Codes view. Multiple dates can be imported per employee per file as long as each date has the correct header. |
Accumulation Transaction | employeeNumber leaveType
length | positionNumber transactionDate
description leaveUnit
| |||
Pay Distributions**NOTE** If employee fails for 1 transaction, they will fail for all transactions for that employee. It will likely give same error message for all transactions for that employee | employeeNumber code (this field cannot be updated to be something different in Mass Load or using Mass Change, has to be manually updated) type
rate | startDate
priority Direct Deposit Specific Headers
**NOTE** The transferType and transferCode are used together to find the ACH Source for a direct deposit. | |||
User Adjustment Payables Ledger(Process Outstanding Payables/Payables Adjustments) | Headers (all required) - This mass load will only CREATE new items, you cannot use this to update existing payables:
| ||||
Future Pay Amount**NOTE** If wanting to update different fields for different employees on the same load, you will need to put the old (current) values wherever you don’t want it updated. You must supply a value for most fields because null value does not work for most fields. To add and update Future Pay transactions in one upload, you would have to supply all the values in the current because null values (,,) will give errors for most fields such as true, false. Some have default values if not supplied. | Add Future Pay Amount
Update Future Pay Amount
| effectiveDate - in YYYYMMDD format supplementalTaxOption
rate - if rate is not supplied in csv file, it uses the compensation rate for that employee/position retireHours description appliesForRetirement
specificPayAccount.rateType - (Must include in file if using Specific Pay Accounts)
specificPayAccount.amountCharged - (Must include in file if using Specific Pay Accounts) specificPayAccount.accountOrXrefCode
When adding specific accounts, you have to provide either the xref code of the expenditure account OR the full account code (no hyphens between account dimensions). If you are updating a future pay and including a specific account, if the account you provide in the load file already exists on the future pay, then the specific account will be updated with the account values you provide in the load file. If the account does not exist on the future pay, it will be added as a new specific account. |