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Table of Contents


  • Expenditure Account active flag
  • Expenditure Account date range active for today
  • Budget active flag
  • Budget date range active for today
  • Cash Account active flag
  • Cash Account date range active for today
  • Appropriation active flag
    • There could be expenditure accounts (for instance) will have 001-2690-113, 001-2690-142, and 001-2690-141 but all of these will be rolled up to a more general Appropriation account of 001-2600-100.  Look at Start and Stop dates. 
  • Appropriation date range active for today

If any of these are false, USAS will mark the expenditure account as Inactive (false) in the message they send to USPS

**If an account was deleted in USAS, USPS Integration/Expenditure Accounts will always state as ACITVE account, even after Account Synchronization**

Synced With USAS

The 'Synced with USAS' field shows all accounts unless you filter by True or False as shown.  If the account does not exist in USAS-R, the 'Synced with USAS' field will indicate FALSE. 
