- Generate the submission file. There are 2 options available:
- To generate the submission file immediately:
- Click on to send the Submission file immediately to STRS. **Once clicked on, it will be disabled to avoid double-clicking and sending multiple submissions to SERSSTRS**
- To generate the submission file at a later date:
- Click on and then at a later time you can submit it to STRS. At a later date you would perform the following:
- Find the STRS.SEQ file by clicking on and finding the STRS Report you wish to upload.
- Upload the file by clicking on
- Click on and then at a later time you can submit it to STRS. At a later date you would perform the following:
Submit the file by clicking on - To generate the submission file immediately:
When a file is submitted to STRS, the STRSYYYMMDDXXXX.SEQ file is copied to the Utilities>File Archive>YYYY-STRS Reporting folder.
Calculating Regular and Retirement Pickup